Homeward Bound
On Thursday, at 7 am, I am walking with my earbuds in, and Chris Tomlin’s song “Home” comes on from my playlist. As I hear the words, I think about my dear friend’s dad who is lingering in his final hours of life. I tear up because I just imagine that those words must be his words this morning. He had already said “I want to go home!” to his family earlier in the week. I stop to send the song to my friend with these words “For your daddy and you this morning, sweet girl. Love you so much. “Home” by Chris Tomlin. Praying for you all this morning. God is with you so strong. I just know it.” At 9:30 am, I receive this text from my friend: “He just passed into paradise!”
The day after, Friday, my usual flow of ideas for my blog isn’t coming as readily as usual. I have nada – nothing, but I know to hang in there because soon it will come. It does. “Homeward bound” pops into my head. This day, “homeward bound” can only mean one thing. Since I’m at home in Frisco, it must reference the day before, when my precious friend replied to my text that I sent to her while on my morning walk.
I sent the song onto my sis-in-law because Mom’s 94-year-old sister, and Mom, 97-years-old, keep saying those words, “I want to go home!” In fact, on a recent phone call from Mom to Auntie Alma – they both said, “Let’s go home together!” Perhaps you have a loved one, or even yourself who has a longing for “home”, too. This song will bless you. Here’s the link, followed by the lyrics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIb4NC5ikYo
“This world is not what it was meant to be /
All this pain, all this suffering /
There’s a better place waiting for me / In Heaven
Every tear will be wiped away / Every sorrow and sin erased /
We’ll dance on seas of amazing grace / In Heaven / In Heaven
I’m goin’ home / Where the streets are golden / Every chain is broken / Oh I wanna go / Oh I wanna go / Home
Where every fear is gone / I’m in your open arms /
Where I belong / Home
Lay down my burdens, I lay down my past /
I run to Jesus, no turning back /
Thank God Almighty, I’ll be free at last / In Heaven / In Heaven
Blinded eyes / Will finally see /
The dead will rise / On the shores of eternity /
The trump will sound / The angels will sing /
Hallelujah, Hallelujah”
Home-goings are like a double-edged sword – we ache at the thought of a loved one apart from us, yet, oh the joy we have that they, as a child of God, are in heaven and our parting is just temporary. One day we’ll be back together again for a joyous celebration of being “home” forever.
When I think about my friend’s sweet daddy, my husband, my parents, grandparents, all my siblings who have gone “home” and Mom and Auntie Alma who want to go “home”, I think about the joy and celebrating we’ll have together in heaven.
As Chris Tomlin says in his song, this world really is filled with so much suffering, so much pain, so much sorrow and so much fear. But, the beauty that this song points to is that one day Jesus is going to make it all right. God will make all things new and all our tears will be wiped away. No more sin. No more sorrow. Chains will be broken off! How amazing! The fact is — for those of us who know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are already living eternal life — as we’ll just step through the doorway to our home sweet home one day.
Rick Warren says: “Here’s what I know — the tears that dampen our eyes in times of mourning, are tears of homesickness, tears of longing for our loved ones. But it is we who are away from home, not they! Death has been for them a doorway to an eternal home. They are still with us, lovingly and tenderly waiting for the day when we, too, will enter the doorway of our eternal home. For us who believe, death is a preparation for eternal union with those we love, in the peace and joy of heaven. We were made for heaven. We were made to last forever.”
So, while we are still on this side of heaven…..let’s continue to finish our assignments well and live every day in the light of eternity — enroute to our heavenly home. We are homeward bound! Let’s plan to meet up there!