How Rich I Am
How Rich I AmAn inheritance is what we get for being part of a family that’s rightfully ours. If I am an heir to a multi-billionaire, and he dies, you’d better believe I’ll be there for the reading of his will. I am certain that I don’t have a wealthy grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle or anyone else who has named me in their will. I know that because every one of those family members have gone on to heaven already and my name was never called at the reading of their wills – if there were wills. I came to terms with the fact, long ago, that I wasn’t going to be wealthy in things that money can buy. I’m okay with that.
It’s not the things or treasures or inheritance — the tangible things that make us. What makes us, and the legacy we leave to our children, are the things that money could never buy. The influence of my passed family members are the values they left me and even if I didn’t have faith and value-filled family members, God has given me mentors and role models who showed me what matters most — to be honest, to love and care passionately, to put my faith in God during the best and worst of times, to give, to suck it up when I’ve been hurt or offended, to trust in God’s plans for my life and to leave my family with something much more than the things that can be bought.
The Bible says, “Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance — an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay” (1 Peter 1:3-4). Such good news! I AM in line for a “priceless inheritance” and so are you! But even better news — we don’t have to wait one minute longer. We have real reasons for hope because God’s “will” has already been read and we can be living in the riches of His grace now.
What a shame it would be if we went through our entire lives and we didn’t know what benefits were available to us as children of God right here and now! Our loving Father didn’t write a document that He put away in a safety deposit box and someday we’ll find out what the document says about our inheritance. He offers it to us now and for all eternity. We can already be enjoying the benefits of peace, joy, hope, love, overcoming faith, and walking in confidence in Whose we are, and best of all — living eternally with Him! On this side of heaven, there seems to be so many reasons to be hopeless. Thank God, we are not those who live without hope. We are the rich kids of our Father Who paid the price for an abundant life right here. Right now! On this Thanksgiving Eve, let’s get the gratitude on for our great inheritance!