How Rich I Am
This blog was inspired from listening to Air1’s Christian radio DJ. He and his co-DJ were asking their audience what they did to economize. One listener said she cuts open the toothpaste tube and scrapes out enough toothpaste for several more brushes! That’s beyond my squeezing the tube with the use of a straight edge to push out the very last bit. I won’t be cutting up the tube.
And speaking of economizing, there’s the electricity situation where I make sure the lights are all shut off in my place when I’m not using that room or when I’m leaving my place for a while. Recently I came home from a long trip and was dismayed when I realized I left my closet light on. Ugh! I thought: “Such a waste!”
I know I am the product of parents who survived the Great Depression. It was drilled into us to not waste anything uselessly. “Waste not; want not!” Some of my family have joined me in asking for boxes for the leftovers at restaurants. I thoroughly enjoy my already-prepared-meal for the next day!
I don’t have to have things to bring me satisfaction. But, I thoroughly enjoy seeking and finding a bargain. It’s like the $50 quarterly benefit that I get from my health insurance company. They provide health and wellness products that I can choose from in a catalog or on-line. I didn’t really NEED anything to speak of but when I saw a “talking” scale as an offer, I chose it plus some suntan lotion. Aw! I loved my finds.
And you know what? That’s the finds in God’s Word that we can take advantage of daily when it comes to our loving, abundant Lord! (“I came to give abundance to your life” John 10:10).
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1) That is not poverty mentality. That is a loving Good Shepherd Who supplies ALL my needs according to His riches in glory!” (Philippians 4:19)
According to the Bible, our financial status isn’t found in what we possess. It is found in WHO possesses us. Stuff isn’t what defines us. It is our satisfaction found in our Savior “Who will not withhold any good thing from them that walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11)
Here I go again sharing an old song to put “icing on my blog cake” today. It tells you how rich I am…..and how rich you are too! “How Rich I Am, by John W. Peterson, 1956
How rich I am, since Jesus came my way
Redeemed my soul and turned my night to day!
How very rich, how very rich, I am!
Such peace and joy, I never knew before
And countless blessings, from His boundless store.
How very rich, how very rich, I am!
There is greater glory in a sunset!
A brighter twinkle in each star!
There is much more promise in a rainbow!
More music in a singing bird by far!
All things have changed.
My eyes once blind now can see.
The whole wide world is now a symphony
And with all this, heaven is my destiny!
How rich I am!!!
How Very Rich I Am!