I Am Proud to Be an American
So proud, that I am all in – not just in early voting for these mid-term elections but being among the first ones to vote in my precinct. AND, I’m also an Election Official Clerk.
I love the whole experience of watching people pulling out their photo id with pride to receive their ballot, determine their choices at the polling booths and then input their ballot into the voting machine. THEN, being sure to get their “I Voted Early” or “I Voted” sticker. They are proud to wear those stickers.
By the way, Texans, you can early vote right through to November 5th. Outside of Texas, check your state’s early voting times. I was pleased to see the happy faces of so many voting early on Monday and Tuesday. I met some fine people. None of us were discussing our political persuasions. We were all thrilled with the opportunity to vote.
I asked to take this photo of a grandmother’s grandson after she voted. He watched every step of the process with her. Note that his shirt says: “FUTURE VOTER – MY GENERATION IS WATCHING” Does our vote make a difference? Really? How can my one little vote make a difference in the grand scheme of things?

Voting can be a hassle. It takes time to register, learn about the candidates’ views, understand the questions and standing in a long line, knowing all the while that the chances my individual vote will make a difference among the thousands or millions cast are pretty much zero. So, why even bother?
I bother because my morals and values are closely tied to my Christian faith and what God’s Word says. How can we not vote when there are critical issues taken seriously or not? Voting confirms my commitment to stand-up for morals and values. In so doing I get to choose who aligns or comes the closest with those beliefs.
I’m quite reserved when it comes to my political voice. I have my own opinions, but I rarely voice them publicly. That could be seen as a wimpy way out of controversy, or it may mean that I choose to live “above the fray” by recalling my Mama’s favorite quote “If you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all!”
Aligning myself with political figures has been a private matter for me, especially on social media. I am a professing Christian, so my primary voting guide is the Bible. I do my best not to be driven by the media, politics, or personalities. I carefully weigh out the “heart of the matter”. I don’t know the true hearts of candidates, so when the time comes to vote, I trust in my tightness with God and His Word: “My sheep know My voice”, and that I’ll hear THAT voice and vote according to what I hear.
I have a prediction about post-election. I know exactly what November 9th will bring. Another day of God’s perfect sovereignty. He will still be in charge. His throne will still be occupied. He will still manage the affairs of the world. Never has His providence depended on a king, president, senator, or ruler. “The LORD can control a king’s mind as He controls a river; He can direct it as He pleases.” Proverbs 21:1
As followers of Jesus, we possess the power and comfort of God’s Promises as we face an unknown election and future for our country. We can ask a different set of questions because we are called to live by a different reality: hope, love, and peace.
No matter what happens on November 8th, remember God’s words of encouragement. “Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10