I’m Getting Off My High Horse
I’m Getting Off My High Horse
Do you sometimes feel like throwing in the towel? You’re done and done with the heavy load you’ve carried way too long. The Apostle Paul must have felt that way many times. In fact he expressed his dependence when he wrote about the ‘thorn in his flesh’.
Three times he pleaded with the Lord to take it away. But God said to him, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ (2 Corinthians 12:9).
God’s grace is sufficient for us too. That scripture is one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible. I often quote this verse to God and remind Him of His promise that His power is made perfect in my weakness.
I’ve come to know that my stickin’ thinkin’ aka grumbling and complaining (and not even out loud but in my head) is a waste of time. And what does God do? He shows me favor. He loves me and reminds me of His lovingkindness and gives me joy.
“Get off your high horse” is talking or behaving in a way that shows that person thinks they are better than others or know more than others. If that may be us, trying to impress people with our strengths, then we need to climb down off that horse. It’s okay to have weaknesses and limitations.
I think that’s why I can relate to Paul. Sure, he had plenty of visions and spiritual experiences, but he didn’t boast about them. He boasted about his weaknesses.
He told the Corinthians how God gave him ‘a thorn in his flesh’. Whatever Paul’s thorn was, three times he pleaded with the Lord to take it away. But God said to him, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’.
When things are going well for me, I am tempted to be proud and self-reliant. When I am struggling and know my weaknesses, I become utterly dependent on the Lord. His power is made perfect in our weakness.
Paul wrote something absolutely remarkable. He says, ‘It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size – abuse, accidents, opposition — I just let Christ take over!” (2 Corinthians 12:9-11)
I needed this blog today for me. I don’t want this blog site or the words I write to sound haughty in any way. I want my readers to know the real ME. And the real me has weaknesses, but the best news is “in my weaknesses” God’s power is made perfect.
To that…..I delight in my weaknesses because God’s power is made perfect in weakness. Jesus is our sure foundation. He is the source of all grace – the One who died so that we can be forgiven and experience His great love, grace and power. Whatever weaknesses and difficulties we may be struggling with today, His grace is enough for us.
Lord, thank You that we are utterly dependent on You and that as we boast of our weaknesses, Your power rests on us. Thank You that a trusting life is an abundant life. Your grace is enough.