In God We Trust
We trust technology. We trust the pilot of our plane. We trust the pharmacist. We trust our doctor. We sort of trust the weather person. We sort of trust our car salesman. We sort of trust God! Yikes! I don’t like that last sentence, because of who and what we trust…..trusting God should be the all-inclusive, most dependable, and trustworthy One Who we can completely place our trust
I trusted my grandson. We were in San Antonio for his baseball tournament. Because of a delay of game, we decided to take in some sights. He craved a Cinnabon cinnamon roll. In his phone app, he searched “Cinnabon” and found the closest one 25 miles away. He thought it was near Laredo. Since we had nothing better to do, we were on our way to Laredo, Texas. He indulged my singing as I belted out “Down in the West Texas town of Laredo, I fell in love with a Mexican girl…..” The closer to what we thought was Laredo, the more desert with no sign of a big city on the horizon. I trusted his navigation skills and he promised to get us there. When we had gone the distance, right in the middle of nowhere, was the Pilot Gas Station with the Cinnabon inside! We anticipated a mall – but not! Of course, I had to take photos to remember this momentous day! I didn’t trust his navigation skills getting back to San Antonio AND, just as I typed this blog, I thought I’d better check out the actual town in that song I had belted out for miles. It wasn’t Laredo — it was El Paso. And this Cinnabon was simply a little town on the outskirts of San Antonio — Von Ormy, Texas!!
How quick I am to not give a second thought to trusting gadgets, technology, and people and yet often it is with hesitation to put my ultimate trust in Almighty God.

The new CDC guidelines have been amped up again. As a matter of fact, here at my home, new signs are everywhere that regardless of vaccinations or not, all should wear masks again. So, what do we do when alarms are going off that beckon us to go into fear-and-worry mode.
Here’s the truth – the Gospel truth: God in His “Master Plan” mode wants us to have an upward swing towards Him. If we immerse ourselves in daily binge-watching and listening to the fear-mongers, we’ll retreat from Who God is and what He declares: “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ (Isaiah 41:10).
We must get a grip. Are we going to live by news reports or those who have amped up their own fear and concern? Rather, we muster up our faith in He Who is faithful and turn those thoughts into: “We will overcome. I am strong. I am protected by the blood of Jesus. I have an assignment to fulfill. I walk in divine health. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. God is for me and who can be against me? God holds my todays and tomorrows, so why should I worry or fret?”
I titled this blog “In God We Trust” – the phrase on our U.S. coins. I make it habit of picking up pennies I find lying on the ground. They remind me that it is “In God I trust!” Every obstacle in our lives has a promise and a provision attached to it. God is not filled with fear for His children — and neither should we?