It’s Black Friday!! Let the Christmas Season Begin!
Last year, I mixed up Thanksgiving and Christmas with both décor strategically placed throughout my home. But this year, though I put up my outside lights (note my two youngest grands modeling my lights for me), I didn’t want to rush past this time of expressing my gratitude for God’s blessings this year. In my morning text message to my kids yesterday — I said something like this to each one: “I am in such a gratitude attitude because God has made this a year to remember His goodness and mercy that has kept us strong, healthy, with lots of good food on our tables, being able to be God’s hand extended to so many people around us. He’s given us protection in the midst of the storms, laughter in the midst of the tough times and peace and security in abundance. We are so blessed!”

My Frisco crew came to my home yesterday. My intended “family pic” ended up like this one! Oh me! Our meal was delicious with the help of my hero – my son-in-love, Larry, who fried the turkey in his deep fryer. I made all the trimmings. YUM! Alexia and Staci entertained us by bringing in a little “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” singing! My fall décor remains up today when my Austin family gets here for our “Thankful Friday” traditions. I am savoring this time of expressing our gratefulness a while longer. My heart gets so full when I hear each one expess their thanks-giving.

Shopping is in full force this morning. Actually, it has been in full force for days now because the stores started their “Black Friday” specials way in advance.The name “Black Friday” seems a bit negative to me because I see it as the ending of thanksgiving and the beginning of hustle and bustle and all the joy of this new joyful season getting lost in the midst of the chaos. Clearly, the big day of Thanksgiving is over for another year, but the sweet graces of gratitude open the doors to Christ-mas and the Christ Child Who brought peace on earth and good will to men. I hope we remember that as we saddle up our horses for the race to Christmas — now less than a month away. I think the crowds that are in masses today heard John Wayne’s words when he said: “Slap some bacon on a biscuit and let’s go! We’re burnin’ daylight!”
Shopping is in full force this morning. Actually, it has been in full force for days now because the stores started their “Black Friday” specials way in advance.The name “Black Friday” seems a bit negative to me as I see it as the ending of thanksgiving and the beginning of hustle and bustle and all the joy of this new joyful season getting lost in the midst of the chaos. Clearly, the big day of Thanksgiving is over for another year, but the sweet graces of thankfulness open the doors to Christ-mas and the Christ Child Who brought peace on earth and good will to men. I hope we remember that as we saddle up our horses for the race to Christmas — now less than a month away. I think the crowds that are out in masses today heard John Wayne’s words when he said: “Slap some bacon on a biscuit and let’s go! We’re burnin’ daylight!”
Thanksgiving doesn’t have to end when Christmas begins. Thanks-living can carry right on into the new year day after day. The Apostle Paul reminded us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to: “Give THANKS in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Thankfulness is the gate to God’s joy and peace, and praise is the key to His presence. Being aware of His presence may be the key to having one of the best Christmas seasons EVER. Instead of it being “Black Friday”, we can turn it into a “Good Friday”, that becomes the doorway to the beautiful season of Advent which begins this Sunday — that sacred, focused and deliberate time when we ponder the coming of our Lord from His heavenly throne to earth to become one of us. Unlke the innkeeper who said, “No room in the inn”, we can make room for Him in our hearts by our gratitude. May this Black Friday become a Good Friday to YOU today!