It’s the Black Friday Frenzy!
I remember when I lived in Tulsa and on Thanksgiving night, I drove by our local Best Buy store. I just had to take this photo of people camped out already for the doors to open the next morning and then they could get their “deal”. No need to camp out this year — stores opened at 6 pm on Thanksgiving night!

I read that, if today is like last year’s Black Friday, half of all Americans will be shopping this weekend. Aw – the blissful start to Christ’s birthday party. Hail holy consumerism! Rather, Hail Mary, full of grace and truth, and God, who got this holy birthday party started over 2,000 years ago.
The truth is this day and Advent that begins this Sunday starts the most wonderful time of the year that gives us the greatest opportunities to make a difference for Jesus. Yesterday, my Frisco family and I had a precious Thanksgiving Day filled with all the trimmings of an amazing feast and delicacies. We celebrated by sharing how grateful we are for our many blessings, played games, and took fun family photos!

“Black Friday” gets its name from the fact that today is the first day retailers will be “in the black” rather than “in the red.” Or so most people think. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the most likely explanation is that “Black Friday” started out as a reference to terrible traffic conditions on this day. Apparently, congestion is worse than any other day of the year.

Whether or not today is called “Black Friday” because it is so hectic and congested, the term seems appropriate. I read that, if today is like last year’s Black Friday, half of all Americans will be shopping this weekend. Aw – the blissful start to Christ’s birthday party. Hail holy consumerism! Rather, Hail Mary, full of grace and truth, and God, Who got this holy birthday party started over 2,000 years ago.

The truth is this day and Advent that begins this Sunday starts the most wonderful time of the year that gives us the greatest opportunities to make a difference for Jesus. Yesterday, my Frisco family and I had a precious Thanksgiving Day filled with all the trimmings of an amazing feast and delicacies. We celebrated by sharing how grateful we are for our many blessings, played games, and cheered our Cowboys on to victory!
My son and family always spend Thanksgiving Day in Muldrow, OK where Shawntel’s family lives and celebrates in grand style with Grandma and 60+ family members show up. I love that! Today they’ll join us here in Frisco for our traditional day-after-Thanksgiving feast of my Waikiki meatballs and all the trimmings. We won’t be taking the time to join in the Black Friday frenzy. We’ll still be savoring so many reasons for Thanksgiving.
The key to celebrating the coming holidays lies in the holiday we just concluded.

This Thanksgiving week, we’ve focused on God’s command to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). And here’s what I want to leave with you this day after Thanksgiving. I don’t see today as “Black Friday”.. Every Friday is Good Friday and here is what I wish as we approach the most beautiful time of the year: That we stop to feel, smell, savor and acknowledge the precious gifts that God provides for us every single day. That we fully appreciate the blessings in our lives and not miss a moment. That we take them in and savor them in our senses as if we might lose them tomorrow. And thank our God for the gift of it all. I hope you embrace the moments, the season, the joys and the hopes that this beautiful season of Advent and Christmas brings — like never before — even if you enjoy “the hunt” during the Black Friday frenzy!