I’ve Arrived

I had such a sweet, tender encounter with Jesus when I was eight-years-old at a Christian youth camp. I remember it so well. We were singing “Kumbaya” and “I have decided to follow Jesus” around the campfire. The camp director invited those of us to raise our hand if we wanted a personal relationship with Jesus. I did. I believed. I received. I became a follower of Christ and our love story will continue through all eternity.
My sweet and tender story pales in comparison to the Apostle Paul’s (formerly called Saul) conversion story and experience. Paul had been persecuting Christians. A light from heaven blinded him and he heard the voice of Jesus saying “Saul, why do you persecute me?” We know the rest of the story where he came to believe in Jesus and became the notorious apostle who wrote nearly one-third of the New Testament.
So what did my young 8-year-old experience and St. Paul’s Damascus Road have in common? Like that song, we decided to follow Jesus. We could almost hear the choirs of angels singing in unison “You have arrived!” Now our lives were changed for so much good. We’re God’s, so NO problems. We’re born again, so LIFE will be a bed of roses. We know the truth, so NO more mistakes. God’s got our backs, so NO longer will people annoy us. Easy, peasy Christianity! Let’s do this!
And the well-seasoned soldiers of faith say “Oh my dear, you have such a great imagination!” It is much more like being on an elite training team, like learning to be a Navy Seal (not that I really know what that is like – except for the movies where they nearly die from the training). There are grueling tests and drills. There’s an arch-enemy who wants, more than anything, to cause us to cave under the mere weight of it all. There are loads of bone-tired days and wrenching hard work. There is sweat, grit, and perseverance. It almost seems like we picked the wrong team to be on!
Oh, but there are so many reasons to say “WHY NOT?” There is
It makes us warriors. As crazy as it seems, our battles are good for us. They are conqueror-makers. It’s hardly about arriving, but all about journeying to touch the hem of His garment, pouring a bottle of perfume on His feet, reaching out to touch the nail scars in His hands. It’s grabbing hold of His hand and never letting go. It is walking in His footprints and sometimes letting Him carry us when we’re worn and tired. We become the most radiant and dedicated warriors ever. Deep in our hearts, we know, what He’s given us, is