Jesus Loves Me This I Know
I’m revving my engine — mentally and physically. My personal, physical engine had a routine colonoscopy yesterday! I kept thinking while I was surviving all the prep work: “How could I have scheduled this procedure at this time of year?” “Wow! Let’s get another colonoscopy next week!” – said no one EVER!
For goodness sakes — it’s that time of year when our to-do list is getting longer. I’ll admit anxiety has crept into my heart. After all, Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away and Christmas is not far behind.
There’s lots to do, gifts to buy, places to go and people to love. There’s decorating, baking, juggling events as to which ones to attend and those that may get pushed aside. But hold on! What if all the hullabaloo was more about thanks-living and remembering how much Jesus loves us.
“Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so.” Oh that we adults would embrace those simple, yet powerful words. We adults should make that our own theme song. After all, Jesus does love us and we know it without a shadow of a doubt.
As we grow older, we lose our childlike faith and belief that we can do or be anything because Jesus loves us. We get so burdened about our to do lists that we forget Jesus loves us and even cares about what we care about.
When I sing those words, I am singing from my very being. He loves ME! He sees me as a beloved daughter and though I often feel like a messed-up kid, He still loves me — this I know!
As a kid, I feared God and His big stick. Today, I recognize my mistakes quickly, and do my best to make amends. I feel His arms around me, pulling me into Him and His gentle words: “I forgive you. I am here for you. Do better next time!”
“This little light of mine. I’m gonna let it shine. ” That’s another children’s song we sang in Sunday School. I’m singing it on behalf of ME. I’m not that little kid who thinks God is punishing me for something I did wrong. Once upon a time, I really did think that. I didn’t understand grace until I grew up and rationalized that the free-flowing grace of my Father is what proves Jesus loves me this know!
Not just because the Bible tells me so. I know. God has proven His love and grace for me in abundance – far more than I deserve. So I purpose, first thing EVERY SINGLE DAY – to let my little light shine through my blogs and my “can’t keep it to myself” attitude. I know a good thing – er, a good Father – and I must share Him.
I sing “Jesus loves me this I know” with absolute certainty of His love. We’re big kids and by now we should be fully aware of God’s love. If we really understood His love, we’d understand He’s smiling at us — the same way we smile at our kids and grandkids.
If I see my own family with such delight, I know God sees me with a joy that surpasses my understanding. I know because the same God who created them, created me. He created you. I want to smile back at God with the confidence of a daughter. A daughter who knows “Jesus loves me. This I know, with absolute certainty!” How about you?