JOY — Down in My Heart to Stay
Being the “senior” of my family has its rewards. I remember the Christmas frenzy when I was on the hunt (like you mom and dads) for the perfect Christmas gift(s). Rather than resisting changes, I’ve decided to take hold of them and own them. I’ve become quite savvy at accepting change and doing my best to create moments right in the middle of it.
Year before last I started a new tradition of money-gifts. It was a great relief! That plan included an individualized letter to each one and a little momento that represented what was going on in my heart for them, along with the $$. That year the momento was a cardinal ornament which represented Papa being still with us in our hearts. Then, last year my theme was PEACE – the peace that has pervaded my life for many years. Along with the $$ and letter, I included a sign with the word PEACE on it. I wanted them to know this “peace” that passes understanding. It blessed me to see that PEACE sign in my grandchildren’s rooms and in the kitchen or bedrooms of the grown-up ones during the year. It was a blessing to be reminded of God’s peace for us in 2020. Many of this year’s “usuals” were seriously “unusual” in just about every way. But, peace was our tour guide. I’m so grateful.
Now, I’m believing that the theme for my family, this year, will be exactly what we’ll know. JOY was my word theme for 2021. Again, each letter I wrote was personalized to each one. This excerpt was the same for each one. I pass this excerpt on to you, my beloved friends and family. May you be consumed with JOY in 2021.

“I chose JOY as my word this year because JOY is what we all need. Rick Warren says “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.” That explains how the apostle Paul could be shackled in prison and tell us this: “Rejoice (Be JOY-filled) in the Lord always!” (Philippians 4:4)
This Christmas, JOY is sure welcomed! It’s been quite the year and for our family, thank God, we have survived and thrived because of the inner JOY that lives so big in us. Great JOY is what the angel promised the shepherds on the night Jesus was born. “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great JOY for all the people.” (Luke 2:20) JOY is short but a powerful word. I know that this JOY that your nana has is far more than a good feeling. It is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that lives in us because HE lives big in us. We can have JOY every day – no matter what we’re facing and no matter what we’re going through. JOY is a gift from Jesus and we get to give it away to others. This is my acronym for JOY:
J – is for JESUS. Putting HIM first is key to our inner JOY!
O – is for OTHERS. Having a giving heart and a servant’s heart brings true JOY to us!
Y – is for YOURSELF. The priorities of Jesus, others, yourself causes JOY to grow in us!
I am so, so proud of you! I am the happiest and most blessed Nana. I rejoice with exceeding great JOY to have you in my life.
Good-bye 2020! Welcome 2021! We’re ready for the best, most JOY-filled year ever! Your One and Only Nana who loves you so, so much!