Let Those Leaves Fall – Once and for All
Yesterday, for the first time this year, I had to sweep yellow, brown, and orange leaves from my front porch. Company was coming. I wanted a clean, welcoming porch. I realize that in a matter of days, my porch will be overladen with leaves. It seems I must be in a wind tunnel because my neighbors’ leaves seem to make their way to my front porch and bushes.
As their bright green color fades, it seems the leaves fall almost as quickly as they change. Part of me longs for the leaves to hold on a little longer. “Come on. You’ve got this. Think green!” But graciously the tree only listens to its Maker rather than my senseless longings. In order to flourish in the new season, the tree must let go of its decayed leaves. They’ve done their job well for their season, but their time has drawn to a close.
I am reminded that the leaves display an important lesson for all of us to follow. Just as the trees don’t stubbornly hold on to their dead leaves, so we shouldn’t hold on to the unnecessary weights of negativity that has clung on way too long in our lives. I am so ready to move on to a new season when the old one has been filled with stinking thinking, poor self-image, mistakes made, regrets and disappointments. It’s time to move on to a new season and let go of the past. So, I’m getting my game plan ready for “shaking my tree” to get all those “hanging on” negative leaves to let go and fall – especially the ones that try to impede my peace and joy.
Oh, how God longs to empower and strengthen us for the new season ahead! So much awaits us when we let the past go. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18,19
It’s time for us to release the grasp of the “dead and unfruitful” leaves that prevent a freshness to the season ahead. Could it be that the decayed leaves have piled up and our heart needs to discard them for good – once and for all? God longs to help us let go. All we have to do is go to Him in prayer and ask Him to shine His light on any thoughts, circumstances, habits or other “decayed leaves” we might be clinging to.
As you and I watch the leaves fall this season, my prayer is that you are reminded to let go of anything that would hinder a fresh relationship with God. I’m praying that prayer for me, too! I’m “letting go” and letting God have His way in me in this blessed new season.