Let’s Be Merry-Makers
Isn’t it day-and-life altering when we’re in the company of those who just brighten up the room with their optimism and sense-of-humor? I was in that company Wednesday night with these powerful, joy-filled women. Many were missing from our group, but these “merry hearts” sure made mine merry.
It had been a while since we were together – way back when the pandemic started. I honestly thought I might need to be an encourager and raise their spirits, but not so. These women are Spirit-filled with joy, laughter, and optimism. Do they have any challenges in their lives? Well, who doesn’t? But this little band of women only spoke of the blessings of God in their lives – with a little girl-time segue to hilarious stories of Botox gone wrong – LOL! We laughed, cried, prayed, and celebrated our victories and our time together.

St. Paul said in I Corinthians 12:27 — “You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” I think, some folks are called to be the “funny bones”! That was Blanche – the diva in the red and black and high heels in this photo. One of the gals was praising God for divine intervention for helping her get her dream job and dream salary AND getting to give her resignation to her egotistical male supervisor who often demeaned her. Blanche interjected “Did you tell him to take this job and shove it?” LOL! Blanche gave us “merry” medicine. Proverbs 17:22 says “A merry heart does good like a medicine”!
If you are the ‘funny bone’ and “merry-maker”, please keep it up! We need you – especially in these days and times. Celebrate your optimism, your wit and humor and know you are a vital part of the family of God. And, if that isn’t you, and your bent is more contemplative and serious-minded — celebrate the lighthearted, funny bones and merry makers in your life. They need you and you need them.
And if you need some healing today? Ask God for some “merry” medicine. Ask Him for some “funny bones” to show up in your life. And, maybe step out of your comfort zone and become a merry-maker and give merry medicine to others. Be that one that brightens the day in your home and in your friendships. The healing we are searching for just might come from the merry-makers in our life. I know that’s what happened to me with these precious women of God who just can’t help but exude the joy of the Lord in their lives.
So, did you hear the one about what the duck said to the comedian? “You quack me up!”