Let’s Get in Victory Formation
I apologize up front. I can’t help myself. I must report again on my early morning daily walks in my community that has many water features. My walks seem to open my heart to a greater appreciation for God and His handiwork – the skies, the wildlife, the people passing by. How can I possibly say that when we live in this day and age of so much anger, protests, civil unrest, a pandemic, the greatest unemployment rate in history, and now it’s hurricane season! Dear Lord, have mercy!
But, I’m assured because no matter what, I think to myself, what a wonderful world. Wildlife has no idea the troubles we are seeing. They are at ease, basking in just being and enjoying the beauty around them. This blog came from yesterday’s walk. I saw what looked like a geese wildlife habitat. They just glide along, care-free. I picked up some of their molten feathers. The only negative about them is their absolute lack of decorum – pooping all over our walking trails that requires expert navigations skills to maneuver around it all. Ugh!

Then, a flock of geese in V-formation reminded me of 2010 when my sweetheart was about to have a major surgery the next day, I called on my two walking/praying buddies. We declared victory as we took seven laps around the hospital (like Joshua and his troops marched around the walls of Jericho). It was hot in Tulsa — a heat index of 105 degrees, but a cool breeze with the fragrance of flowers from around the hospital, enveloped us as we started our “march”. We began our 7th victory lap. This time, we walked by Ron’s room and gave him the “V” is for victory hand sign. We turned the corner and heard “honk, honk, honk”. It was a perfect “V” formation of geese flying above us.
That victory walk, and mindset, gave us the faith we needed for the next day. We knew our faith journey was guided by the One Who loves us most, desires to bless us with good things, and Who promises He will never leave us or forsake us.
And, I believe that same victory is for all who know they aren’t defined by what’s going on in this earth. They are defined by trusting in God’s ways being the best ways, and that seals the deal EVERY TIME. Our victory rests in our faith and complete assurance that God is still in control no matter what it looks like around us. So, like those geese – let’s get into our victory formation and spread our wings and fly above the storms!
1 Corinthians 15:57 – “But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”