Letting the Whole World Know
We are seizing so many opportunities to share good news via technology. We sure need that good news! Facebook and FB Live, YouTube videos, teleconferencing, Instagram and other forms of communicating hope-filled messaging. Before the internet and social media, many of us Jesus followers were quite reclusive. Our faith stayed at home. Jesus “talk” was easy there. We’d pray around the dinner table or at bedtime for typical family needs. It was faith between us four and no more.
But, HELLO, 2020! Who would have thought, way back when, that we would, one day, be visually interacting with people around the world without leaving the comfort of our homes? We are seizing these opportunities to live our faith outloud online before countless numbers of people. Not to mention, when all doors closed for worship in our churches, that we could worship with our churches online. We are sharing great faith videos and images that encourage and build up each other. We’ve realized that we ARE the church to our world.
We have become evangelists and have been unleashed to spread the good news from behind a computer or a cell phone. I see you. You know who you are. You are the ones who share scriptures, prayers, quotes and videos bearing faith-filled and hope-filled messages.
When Jesus said in John 14:12, “And greater works than these (the works that He performed) will you do….”, He was foretelling about what we could accomplish. It is time for us to raise our voices even louder. As children of God, we are family! It’s time to keep putting faith-building, fear-destroying words out there. We never know whose life we might impact because of something we posted on social media. There is so much power in our words. When we change our words from complaining, whining, blaming or criticizing to faith-filled, encouraging, loving and caring words, we change our world.
Let’s be billboards that make God famous. We are missionaries because we are on a mission. We have been sent. We were sent the second the first spark of life flickered in our mother’s womb and now to wherever we are today and to whoever crosses our paths – via the street or the internet!
When we read Jesus words in Mark 16:15 to “Go into all the world and preach the good news”, little did we realize we could do it right from the comfort of our homes. So, let’s preach that good news today! So many need to hear it!