Life is a Balancing Act
I hold these photos so dear to my heart. It was eleven years ago and one of those times when my husband and I were visiting our son and family in Seattle. We made the most of every minute that we were there. Imagination ran rampant and Papa and Nana joined in with vigor and vitality. Unlike these teeter-totters, those in my younger years, were not my friend. I well remember when my see-saw partner decided to bale on me and I came crashing down on my bottom. I made sure I had reliable partners after that! I also remember, by myself, standing on the pivotal point of that see-saw trying to keep it in a horizontal position that required a lot of focus and balance.

In these photos you’ll see we are making sure that balance is a big part of the boys’ experience. I assure you, in my life, I’ve had to use that exercise in way more scenarios than just a teeter-totter. And, I know, for a fact, that my central point of attention and focus is keeping God in view while maintaining solid footing and balance. When I plant my heart and feet on the truth of God’s Word and in Him who is my stabilizer, the winds, the waves, the shifting sand AND even the teeter totters will not cause me to crumble or stumble.

We Christians are called to a balanced life. That doesn’t mean that we do everything with the same attention or even in moderation, but it does mean being obedient to God in every area of life. It may seem difficult to juggle so many balls at one time — being an interested and active parent and fan to all the sports and extracurricular activities of our children, while maintaining a faithful and devoted prayer life, while doing a great job as a volunteer at a local organization or church and also being a dutiful and loving support to older parents and personally being devoted to a balanced healthy body and mind. It is truly a balance act that can be overwhelming and tiring.

But God didn’t ask us to be the super mom and super dad or the super employee or the super child. He asked us to be “steadfast” in our faith, and to maintain our confidence in Him. He started this good work in us and He is faithful to complete it. “For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end.” (Hebrews 3:14) The balance act in life starts with our surrender to He Who balances our lives as we surrender, yield and abide in Him. When we teeter totter with Him, He always brings balance to everything and everyone else in our lives.
Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”