Listening to God’s Still Small Voice
live on your hands for 5-10 minutes. Drink warm water as an effective way to stop all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice. Gargling with a simple warm water salt solution is also an effective measure for preventing contraction of viruses. Ensure your mouth and throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water at least every 15 minutes. Drinking water or other liquids will wash the virus down the throat and into the stomach, where stomach acid will kill it. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.”
God sure amuses and blesses me with some of His “aha moments”. Each year, during the Lenten season, I choose the Daniel Fast which is just fruits and vegetables and water. So preparing for this fast, I made a freezer full of vegetable meals as well as have lots of frozen fruits for making protein drinks. I love my coffee, but hot water helps satisfy me. I was already in go-mode before this crisis ever hit. I’ve got the handwashing down, drinking warm water multiple times daily AND I’m eating lots of fruits and veggies. Thank You, Lord, for your still small voice that prepared me for this season. In fact, unlike before, I bought a ginormous pack of toilet paper a couple of weeks ago. Thank you, God, again!
I spoke to two of my friends yesterday. One shared that she felt so strongly, three weeks ago, that she and her husband should close their stock accounts. At first, he didn’t agree and even their financial advisor disagreed since the stock market was higher than ever before. But she wouldn’t back down. They closed their accounts. And, another friend said that she and her husband closed theirs five weeks ago. Both have a very tight relationship with God. They know His voice.
We’re sort of quarantined to our homes, our churches’ doors are pretty well closed, except mine has a chapel that stays open for us to go in and pray. I’m going there today. There’s something about that solitude, no phone interference, no outside noise and, oh, the presence of Jesus that is there. I take my journal with me. I hear God’s still small voice and I write those words down. Such peace is found there. Such comfort.
I get it. Since anyone can get COVID-19, everyone can get COVID-19. Those of us who have the antidote, can live without fear. Jesus asks us, “Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If you then are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?” (Luke 12:25–26). Worry provides the sense that we are doing something about our fear, but that’s an illusion. Rather than worry about the future, we should prepare by doing what we can do and trust God with what we cannot.
I understand that the virus is one nine-hundredth the width of a human hair. Our Father measures the universe with the palm of his hand (Isaiah 40:12). He is on the throne of the world. Let’s be sure He is on the throne of our hearts today. Let’s get better acquainted with Him and His still small voice that has the answers for us.