Look Away from the Chaos and Lift Up Your Eyes
This is an excerpt from Dr. Michael Brown’s blog and the best advice ever for finishing 2020 strong.
“If you’re looking for cutting-edge political analysis, this is not the article for you. If you’re looking for the latest insights on the presidential elections, you’re in the wrong place. But if you’re looking for spiritual wisdom and encouragement, if you want to be uplifted and inspired, then keep reading.
The fact is: 2020 has been an exhausting year. We were already worn out as a country before COVID-19. The constant political tension, culminating in the impeachment hearings, was wearying. The continual flood of sensational news, coming from all sides, was wearying. The deepening divisions in our society, revealing massive fissures ready to split, were wearying. Then we got hit by the virus. Then we had the lockdown. Then George Floyd was killed. Then the protests. And the riots. And the looting. And the vandalism. And the shootings. One day it’s masked rioters marching into our suburbs. The next day, we can’t leave our houses without a mask.
Added to all this is the ticking time bomb of the November 3rd elections. The first Trump-Biden debate underscored the chaotic nature of the hour, and there is no guarantee that on November 4th anything will be settled. Even when the votes are finally counted, will either side concede with grace? Will multiplied tens of millions of Americans accept the results and move on? You might say to me, “I thought you were going to encourage and uplift me! I’m feeling much worse now than when I started this column. Thanks for nothing!” Well, here comes the encouragement in just four short words: “Life up your eyes”. Lift up your eyes and look to the One who never changes and is never shaken or moved. Lift up your eyes and look to the One Who is perfect light, without any darkness at all. Lift up your eyes and look to the One Who sits enthroned in heaven, ruling and reigning over all creation.
Lift up your eyes and look to the One Who cares so deeply for you that He sent His One and only Son into the world to die so that you and I could live forever. Look away from the chaos and pain of the moment. Look away from the confusion and despair of the hour. Look away from the division and dissension of this age. And look up. Look up and worship the King. Look up and worship the One who is love personified.
There are many prayers of desperation found in books like the Psalms, with words like these: “From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (Psalm 61:2) That “rock” is the Lord Himself, and when we stand firm on His foundation, we will not be moved. Our perspective will dramatically change. That’s why the psalmist also wrote these words: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2)
So, look away from the craziness of 2020, lift up your eyes, and begin to worship. Your heart will be lightened. Your resolve will be strengthened. Your spirit will be encouraged. Your courage will be renewed, and rather than looking for a way to escape, you’ll be looking for a way to serve and love others. Lift up your eyes!