Lost but Found, Darkness but Light, Blind but Sight
Just after our Thanksgiving meal, it was time for my family photo session in Frisco. I missed four of the grands for this occasion, but nine of us would satisfy this photo-hungry Nana! Getting ready to pile into the cars, my grandson Payton, Mr. Enthusiasm and brimming with pent-up energy, proceeds to go into one of his comic routines, flings his hand and off goes his silver ring into the leaves, the rocks, the lighted bushes or who knows where?
This family is on a mission – all nine of us – to find what is lost. As you can see in this photo – we are bound and determined to find it. Shawntel exclaims: “I found an earring!” Yay! I’m thrilled! The match to the sterling silver leaf earrings that I bought in Red River, NM last summer is found. But still no ring is found. We are unwavering in our search and rescue attempts. We are raking leaves, pulling back the sections on the bush. We are praying. Then, bada bing bada boom, Staci exclaims: “I found it!” Oh, happy day – for me and Payton!
Oh, the joy that consumes us when after we’ve looked and looked for something lost or misplaced (in my case, it’s often my phone or my keys or the remote control), and we suddenly find it. This “lost and found” story came to mind as I pondered about those who feel lost and lonely this week of Christmas. It’s been a rough year for so many. The violence, chaos, the pandemic, the political and social unrest, AND fierce hurricanes created total upheaval to life as we knew it when the year began. Suddenly, so many felt lost and without hope. It has been a weary world to say the least.

But, then last night, December 21st, something wonderful happened. It was like the line in “Oh Holy Night” “A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices. For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!” It was winter solstice (literally the darkest day of the year) and the solar system (rather, God) gave us a rare gift, just in time for Christmas. Jupiter and Saturn created a brilliant point of light in the sky and capped off 2020 with a celestial Christmas Star phenomenon.
And, it was similar back when Jesus was born. There was violence, chaos, political and social unrest. It was dark. But hope dawned, when the Magi (3 wise men) followed the star until it rested on where He was, and they began to worship Him. In a time where it was dark, LIGHT came into our world. Jesus stepped into the chaos and brought peace. And, how fitting for us, that in the moment of time during the Christmas season that we get to see this beautiful reminder…that even in the darkest of times…LIGHT will, and has, stepped in.
In our chaos, Jesus is there. In our darkest times when we feel so LOST, Jesus is there. He brings Light, and makes all things new. May we always be be reminded of our Lord’s Light that He brings for all mankind. He is perfect at stepping into chaos and bringing it into peace. He is perfect at helping us FIND what was LOST in our lives and restore us to new life and light. Amazing Grace! I once was lost but now I’m found — was blind but now I see!