Love God and Do Whatever You Please
This Love Month is coming to a close tomorrow. So, I need to squeeze in one more blog that accentuates God’s love for us and our love for Him.
The title of this blog was a quote by St. Augustine. I thought “Did I hear that right? Do whatever I want?” How can that be? The answer is shocking at first. It sounds like a license to sin. Anything I please? The key to understanding St. Augustine, is the message found in the order of the words. It can even be brought out with the addition of a comma: “Love God, and do whatever you please.” As long as “Loving God” is truly followed, the second will follow after God’s heart and will. LOVE is the answer. If we use the filter of LOVE, it will sift everything else out that isn’t right.
This reminds me of a personal story. A couple of years after my sweetheart went to heaven, I met a beautiful, sweet, and kind gentleman. We had many things in common, but some opposite opinions when it came to matters of the heart – those “Love the Lord your God with ALL YOUR HEART” matters. I rationalized “This friendship is good, and I enjoy his company and kindness, so I’ll continue to be an example of God’s love and, hopefully, he’ll come around to my way of thinking on those areas that we didn’t agree on. But before long, I recognized our main difference was my profound love for God. I explained that I was in a “love” relationship with God and I wouldn’t dare do anything that would damage that relationship.
My true “North”, then, and thereafter, has continued to be “Love God. Period.” That “True North” of loving God – is my fixed point that keeps me on track in making daily life decisions, finding compatible friends, reacting to challenges, guiding my walk and talk, and staying in touch with my most deeply held beliefs, values, and principles.
Honestly, my “True North” keeps me from watching movies or TV shows that include witchcraft, horror, immorality, and profanity. I have been known to walk out of the movie theater when the direction went “South”. I might be called “Goody Two-Shoes” or a “Pollyanna”, and it’s okay. I know what sweet dreams, a clear conscience, peace, comfort and security feel like because I have chosen my “True North” as my non-negotiable.
My “True North” guides my heart. “Love God, and Do Whatever You Want” is just that. When we take those words TO HEART, what we want, is to love God with all our hearts, and that becomes our filter for everything. Love God and WWJD are guides for ALL matters.
St. Augustine thought that if we love God, we aren’t going to offend Him and so we don’t need any “Do’s and Don’ts rules”. St. Augustine agreed with Jesus in this scripture in Matthew 22:36-40 “‘You MUST love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is exactly like it: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.”
John 14:15 reconfirms those words: “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” Here’s the point: The person who loves God and seeks Him, the things that please the person, are the very things that please God. That’s my desire. Do I always get it right? Heavens NO! But do I strive to get it right? Heavens YES.
I’m thankful for this “love” relationship that keeps me grounded and looking upward. Even when I mess up – it keeps me coming back to my Lover of all Lovers, asking for His forgiveness and in His case, He ALWAYS forgives. When He forgives me so freely, it causes me to love Him and want to please Him even more. Do you have a “True North”?