Love Keeps on Giving and Forgiving
The day after Valentine’s Day, I took down the photo of my husband and I and the plaque that read: “A True Love Story Never Ends” from my entry shelf. But, since it’s still the “love month”, I replaced it with the one seen here. This plaque reads: “You are so loved”. I hope it’s a reminder of the love I have for my friends, but more importantly, God’s love for them (as seen by the cross signifying the ultimate love story.)
Remember the movie, “Love Story”? It was one of my all-time favorites. Remember the famous line “Love means never having to say you’re sorry”. Great movie, but erroneous line. Oliver (Ryan O’Neal) blamed himself for keeping Jenny (Ali McGraw) from her music career and when he was apologizing, Jenny’s love for him was far greater to her. That’s when she said those famous words. I was moved to tears, but, in reality, “Jenny” got it all wrong.
Love doesn’t mean never having to say: “I’m Sorry”, and it’s sure not a line that God EVER uses. Apologizing and expressing regret for the mistakes we make is the language of love. God’s love. In fact, Jesus apologized for mankind when He cried out, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

And, what follows the words “I’m sorry” to us, should be our reciprocating action – to be fast to forgive. How is that even possible when we may have been hurt so deeply?
I’ve read many incredible stories about people who forgave in the most heart-wrenching situations, especially when forgiving would seem so unnecessary on a human level. The drunk driver whose thoughtless ways resulted in the death of a spouse or child, but the family member forgave the killer. Or the one who was betrayed by their spouse, but in God’s love the other spouse forgave. And today they have a dream-come-true marriage together.
I’ll never forget the tragedy in rural Pennsylvania on October 2, 2006, when Charles Carl Roberts walked into an Amish School and shot ten young schoolgirls, killing five of them. Then he killed himself. On the same day of the shooting, the grandfather of one of the girls who died, told other relatives, “We must not think evil of this man.” Another member of the community visited the shooter’s family that day to comfort them and offer forgiveness. Dozens more attended his funeral and offered to give financial support to his widow. One member of the community later said, “I don’t think there’s anybody here that wants to do anything but forgive and not only reach out to those who have suffered a loss, but to reach out to the family of the man who committed these acts.” I want to love and forgive like that!
Unwillingness to forgive only eats away at our hearts and souls, while forgiveness frees us. No greater forgiver was Jesus Christ — Who after the lies, the rejections, the beatings, the denials, and the pain…..forgave and asked His Father to forgive His haters.
The Apostle Paul said, “Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.” (Ephesians 4:32) Sure seems like a tall order, but one that comes with sweet rewards. We can move on with our life, have freedom from the pain of the past, enjoy greater happiness in the present and greater health and well-being. I’d say that’s a good pay-back! And, I’d say “That’s the best Love Story EVER!”
“Be gentle and ready to forgive; never hold grudges. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” (Colossians 3:13)