Maestro, Make My Life a Symphony
With friends last night at Austin’s Long Center, we heard Austin’s Pops Symphony Orchestra play many of the film scores and ceremonial music of renowned composer, John Williams. He wrote scores to the highest-grossing films of all time, including, the Star Wars series, Superman, Jaws, E.T., the Indiana Jones series, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park and many, many more.
What a legacy Williams has and now at 92, is still writing music. So amazing was the sound of all those various instruments in the orchestra coming together to make such rich and inspiring music.
While the symphony was outstanding, I’ll admit this blog came to me before the symphony started. Have you ever heard an orchestra tuning up before a concert? How could anything beautiful come from what sounds so disharmonious and chaotic with every instrumentalist doing their own thing. They weren’t in sync or in harmony at all. But then, it all changed!
The Maestro (conductor) appeared. The crowd immediately began to clap even before he raised his baton. We knew that something beautiful was about to take place. We heard a tap, tap, tap of his baton. And, voila, suddenly the chaos turned to the most melodic, rhythmic, harmonious, and phenomenal music.
The appearance of the Maestro changed everything. Every eye of the orchestra was set on their Maestro, and he guided them through a symphony of delight for us all.
What if there were no MAESTRO? The musicians would still be doing their own thing that continued in an abundance of NOISE. Isn’t that like our world today? So much noise of anger, animosity, dissension, and voices with so much criticism of this and that in our world with chaos abounding.
On Ash Wednesday, last week, many Christians went to church to focus on their MAESTRO – to give attention, allegiance, praise, gratitude, and honor to God for these 40 days leading to Easter. Today, many Christians will attend church for the same reasons.
My point today is welcoming our MAESTRO to lead us – not just for a season or a Sunday, but every moment of every day. When He is leading, a spectacular symphony is heard. And in similar ways, our lives create a beautiful symphony of harmony and melodic music when we depend, rely, and fully follow the direction of our Maestro, our Master Conductor.
There may be chaos, disharmony and disagreement on so many levels around us, but if our eyes and our ears are fixed on the peace, joy, and harmony that God represents in our lives and when we follow His lead, He will turn the chaos and disharmony of our life into a beautiful symphony of peace.
That music will be a sweet, sweet sound in His ears and in the ears of those in our lives. I think of the prayer of St. Francis as I type this blog, “Lord, make me an INSTRUMENT of your peace!” May peace be the song in our heart, in our mind, and in our mouth as we follow our Maestro’s lead.
“I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice,
To worship You, oh my soul, rejoice!
Take joy my King in what You hear.
May it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear.”
Psalm 57:7 “My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music.”