Mountain-Tops & Valley-Bottoms
That title sounds like I’m blogging about a new clothing line, but not so much, though it does make me think I should consider pitching that title to a clothing designer!
What I’m actually referring to today are the times when I have had a particularly challenging day, I have learned to STOP right in my tracks and take myself back to the play-by-plays of my life. They are worth considering because even though there were peaks and valleys in my faith journey, I recall their worth as a daughter of God,
First, the peaks (the mountain-tops) are those joyous times when most things seemed to be going right in my life. Those were times when it was easy to feel God’s presence because I could so tangibly see His blessings poured out in my life.
The valley bottoms were a whole other matter. Those were my rough-and-tumble times—times of disappointment, heartbreak, and loss. Those were the times that, even though I knew God was with me, I still succumbed to having pity parties there.
And yet, when I take a moment to review the play-by-plays, I can begin to grasp the fruit of those valleys. I see myself emerging from them as a stronger, more trusting, more resilient woman. I see my deeply rooted faith, less shaken by strong winds and more willing to look to the Lord in confidence.
NOW, I’m grateful for the valleys as much as the peaks. Our good friend and mentor, Moses, showed us how to handle the ups and downs. In Deuteronomy 4:32-40, Moses gave a play-by-play of remembrances for the Israelites — all the miracles that God had performed for them. It was his wake-up call for them, a gentle reminder that the Lord God had been with them through every one of their peaks and valleys.
Are you in a peak or a valley today, or perhaps somewhere in between? May I urge you to remember how far you have come from where you once were in despair and heartache? But….GOD, Who came through and you conquered.
I promise you this — He’ll do it again. Just take a look at where you are now and where you have been. Hasn’t He always come through for you? He’s the same now as then. You may not know how. You may not know when. But, I promise you — He’ll do it again.
Let’s pray today for the ability to be more like Moses, more aware of God’s saving presence in our lives. Let us fix in our hearts, just as Moses did, that whether we are shouting joyfully from a peak or feeling like we’re slogging through a valley, He is with us and He’ll do it again!