My Christmas Gift to You
The Birthday Party is over – or is it? Maybe the party just got started! Jesus’ birthday isn’t one day only. It is a party that goes on from here to eternity.
Jesus has been celebrated by those of us who believe in Him. For others, He has been tolerated because many think Christmas is just about Santa and elves and toys and joys.
But today, the day AFTER, we are still “birthday” partying at Epiphany Ranch aka home on the range with Larry, Staci, Alexia, Payton and his fiancée, Zoe. The beautiful Epiphany Ranch gated entry welcomed us followed by lots of laughter, game-playing, and singing, accompanied on the piano by Payton.
There is something to be said for going out to the quiet and peaceful, tree-lined pastures and the lake-filled fish jumping. There’s the nighttime brilliant display of God’s handiwork in the East Texas big-sky country where we surrender ourselves to God’s artistic magnificence.
No matter how much I could compare country-living to city-living, it all pales in comparison to the night when Christ was born. One brilliant star guided the way for the shepherds and eventually, the three kings.
Exchanging gifts probably started with those three kings who brought treasures to the Holy Family. We exchanged gifts as we honored the King and the gifts He received back then continues today as we offer our praise and worship as gifts to Him.
This blog was written yesterday, on Christmas Day. That means I was already anticipating the joys that awaited us here in East Texas. The love talk we had about our Savior being born yesterday doesn’t stop there.
This love talk is ongoing. I’ll be honest. I cringe when I see the hero worship given to famous celebrities. They are applauded and lauded by the news media, social media and draw crowds and ovations beyond compare at their concerts.
But, just let me say they can’t compare with THE ONE Who deserves top billing. That ONE is no longer in a manger or teaching in a temple or on a mountain drawing multitudes.
He is THE ONE Who should be praised and worshipped beyond any other person of notoriety. So let me exalt Him today by telling you what He means to me. Jesus is the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow. Jesus is my thirst quencher, my Living Water, my Healer, my comfort, peace and joy.
When I gazed upon the Baby in the Manger during Advent, I saw the face of God. And I see the face of God in people who are givers and lovers. He is my Lord and Savior. Because of His love for me, I know I will see Him face to face one day in heaven.
Because of Him, I expect to see YOU there where we will spend eternity together. So, on this day AFTER Christmas, be reminded of the magnificent story of Jesus’ birth. My gift to you today, the day AFTER, I give you Jesus. Please receive Him as the ultimate Christmas gift.
I promise true happiness and fulfillment is found in Him, in loving and serving Him. I give you Jesus — He’s the peace that passes all understanding. I give you Jesus — He’s the perfect love that casts out all fear. I give you Jesus — He’s the water that you drink and never thirst again. I give you Jesus, my friend, I give you Jesus.