My First Line of Defense
Part of my training at Children’s Hospital included knowing the “first line of defense” in case of fire or other emergencies. Knowing where the fire pulls and extinguishers are, as well as knowing the color codes and alerts in case of security issues.
In my personal life, I’ve also come to learn my absolute first line of defense when I’m faced with words that shake me to my core. I’ve heard: “Your daughter is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis!“ “Our house is on fire!” “Your mother only has hours to live!” “He was in a car accident!” “Your husband has Stage 4 cancer!” I wish that my first line of defense in all those instances had been “I will not be afraid. I believe that God has me and He will work all things for good!”
A great lesson came from one of my favorite Bible stories from Mark 5:35-36. It speaks of Jairus, a synagogue leader, who came to Jesus begging him to go with him to heal his daughter who was dying. As Jesus was going with him, some people from Jairus’ house came saying “Your daughter is dead. Why bother the teacher any more?” Here’s my favorite line (the first line of defense) from Jesus to Jairus when He overheard their words: “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” I can even visualize that setting — Jesus putting one hand up (“STOP — don’t think!”) and the other hand with a finger up to his lips (“Shush — don’t speak!”).
“Why bother?” Isn’t that what the naysayers and doubters say and isn’t that what the enemy of our souls wants us to say? It’s the whisper we hear when the bad news comes. “Give up. It’s Hopeless. I’m afraid. I can’t take this. I can’t handle it alone.”
Two little words change everything. “But Jesus.” He has a different message, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Don’t give up or let go of hope. Jesus is the Giver of life and it’s not finished until He says so. He took her by the hand and said: “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”. The girl stood up and began to walk around” (Mark 5:41-42).
Above, I quoted lines from “my story”. “Your daughter has cystic fibrosis!“ But Jesus — that little girl was dramatically healed, has a 5-½ octave vocal range and daily lives to give the good news of Jesus. “Our house is on fire!” But Jesus — those were words our daughter cried out to us when their home was burning. They were all safe, their insurance more than covered their losses, and rebuilt the home and have shared God’s goodness to others. “Your mother only has hours to live!” But Jesus — Mom recovered and lived a full life for another eight years. “He was in a car accident!” But Jesus — our son survived what could have easily been a fatal car crash. “Your husband has Stage 4 cancer!” But Jesus — gave him and me such peace that passed understanding throughout the journey, and he WAS healed when he graduated to heaven.
Jairus’ “little girl” was his “But Jesus” moment. What is your “little girl” today? What is your first line of defense when those riveting times come? My first line of defense is Jesus’ words “Do not be afraid. Only believe.” It’s not over until He says “It’s over!”