My Red River Trip Turns Out to be a Reboot
It’s a blessing when blog content shows up when I least expect it. I’ve cherished this time with family as we fish, eat together, travel the countryside, and carry on conversations about our lives (after so many years apart). But, this day, I wanted to go solo. I wanted to take in the sights, sounds, smells, visit the little shops, have lunch on my own — eating what I wanted. It turned out to be chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone. Yum!

On their way to their fishing spot, I asked Larry and Staci to drop me off where the town area started. I would walk the distance to the end – going back and forth across the street, and if I tired out, then I would call on the free trolley to take me back to our RV park. Easy peasy!

The first little shop I came to was “The Bobcat” – Fine Handcrafted, Southwest & Indian Jewelry & Pottery Store. I started to walk past it. I wasn’t interested in “fine” which denoted pricey to me. But, one of “those” nudges sent me in. I’m so glad I obeyed. I was met by a lovely older woman who immediately said, “Welcome! Take your time. Feel free to touch, pick up, and look at anything you want to. Let me know if I can help you!” I was enamored by the beautiful art and “fine” jewelry that was displayed, and told “Shirley” so. I asked how long she’s been in this store – 30 years. She closes the shop down in the winter and that’s when she works at Baylor Hospital in Dallas. I asked “Baylor on Gaston Ave?” Yes. And, that struck a chord with me because my mama was the manager of a uniform shop directly across from Baylor Hospital for many years and Baylor is where my daddy had brain surgery. She remembered the uniform shop. We were on some common ground.

Then even more common ground when I spied a Bible on her counter with a basket of crosses in it. A local woodcarver makes them for her to give away. “Take one or more!” I took one. I commented that I loved her boldness to display the Bible. She said “That’s my Bible.” I knew I wanted to buy a little something to express my appreciation for her generosity and beautiful spirit. I saw a basket of pierced earrings and my eyes fell on the sterling silver dimes — $16. I can do that! I asked who the lady was – Shirley didn’t know but I googled it and found it is Lady Liberty. She said, “Just put those in your purse. They’re yours!” I resisted her offer but to no avail. Now I knew I wanted to find something that represented Red River and New Mexico here. My eyes fell immediately on this beautiful Holy Family (both front and back finished). Perfect! I asked about the artist. Shirley said: “Her name is Susie Reed. She’s from Fort Sumner, New Mexico. She’s a potter. She is a delightful lady. She took care of her brother until he died of cancer. She didn’t pot for a whole year. I have the most wonderful potters. There’s good people here.” This beautiful pottery piece (front and back) would be the Red River “something” I wanted to take home to remind me of this wonderful town, its people, its Christian values and my blessing to have experienced this sweet heaven-to-earth week here.

That was just the beginning of this God-orchestrated day as I met lovely innkeepers when I looked for accommodations for a friend coming here next week. That, of itself, gave me more insight and appreciation for this little town – such courtesy and kindness displayed everywhere. I went into several stores that were playing Christian music. I saw “The Way” Coffee Shop, with “Pray for America and 2 Chronicles 7:14” in the window. I thought: “Is this place for real? Or am I on a much-needed brain-cleanse from the gnarly, bitter, and hateful stuff that penetrates into our mind on a daily basis?” I think that’s what God had in mind for me on this trip and on this day. I needed a reboot.
I was walking on air from the sweet moments of this day — so the walk back from town to our RV park was a cinch. Seriously, we don’t have to go to New Mexico or any other distant location to find peace of mind and to recognize God in the everyday of living. As long as “The Lord is our Shepherd”, He will lead us to the green pastures and the still waters for our souls to be restored — no matter where we are! (Psalm 23)
I was walking on air from the sweet moments of this day — so the walk back from town to our RV park was a cinch. I had rebooted and my mind was renewed. Of all the treasures I’ll take home with me from here, is God is everywhere — it is just us recognizing Him in everything — everywhere.