Never a Dull Moment with God
On the heels of my blog yesterday about God-moments, today I offer you Part Two — the “Never Dull Moments with God!”
If we are bored and see each day as just another same-o, same-o day, then we don’t realize the extravagant measures God takes to entertain us! The song title: “Let Me Entertain You” could be His theme song!
If our life feels ho-hum, then it’s time to open our eyes to the wonders of God. A life spent following God should never be dull… never meaningless… and always filled with something new around the corner. BUT – we must be the audience that leans into the possibilities of this next moment being a God-moment.
Case in point – my husband’s front yard, pictured here. Our estate sale last week brought in the crowds to see the treasures we displayed. But none of those treasures compared to God’s entertainment. Note the deer hanging out in the front yard. The crowds didn’t faze the deer because this is their domain. This is their habitat, and the shoppers were entertained.
I mentioned, in an earlier blog, that we prayed with a man who was undergoing treatments for prostate cancer. I think that prayer endeared him to us as he came every day (3 days) to the sale. He would meander around, and each day would buy another treasure, particularly, three quilts that were made by Carl’s grandmother. Those quilts reminded him of the ones his grandmother had made. On the last day, he showed us pictures of the quilts on his beds. He provided us with entertainment.
Honestly, I live in a state of awe and wonder when I consider God’s Word and all it provides us daily. But we must be in the posture of looking, leaning in, expecting, and receiving God moments. After all, there is never a dull moment with God.
Jesus’ first miracle was turning water to wine. He multiplied the loaves and fishes and fed thousands. He healed the sick, the lame, the demon possessed. He walked on water (and so did Peter until he took his eyes off Jesus).
Yes, God’s Word, is the go-to place for entertainment, but when we stay in the expectant audience-mode, we will stay in the “being entertained” mindset, because God is still a Miracle Worker!
It sounds irreverent to call Him the Great Entertainer but how could we think otherwise when He entertains us with the wonder and beauty of His creation. He entertains us through our friends and family. He entertains us when He nudges us in the direction Iwe should go.
God is truly the incomparable, undeniable, indescribable GREAT Entertainer Who surprises us each day with His newest and greatest performances. He’ll make us laugh and we’ll cry with the thrills of His beneficent mercy and grace.
He did all of this for you and me. Perhaps it’s time to switch off social media, TV, and the voices that endeavor to drown Him out. When we do that….we’ll most likely realize “There’s no business, like God’s show business…..because He shows out every day!”
“But put your hope in God, Who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” (1 Timothy 6:17).