No More 2020 Sad, Done-Me-Wrong Songs
Happy New Year’s Eve! Lots of old familiar Christmas carols still echo in my head as well as the “old” ups and downs of 2020. But strike up the band because I plan on singing a NEW song of deliverance, transformation, gratitude and hope going into 2021. Something new is on its way. Psalm 96:1 says: “Sing to the Lord a NEW song.” That new song is made possible by the incarnation of Jesus. A new song to the One Who became God in the flesh and Who makes all things new. A new song that revels in the Father’s love for us. A new song that makes our hearts leap with joy at the promise of a new day!
Accompanied by a photo of an open door, I saw this on social media. “On New Year’s Eve, an old Irish tradition is to open your door at midnight and let the Old Year Out and the New Year In. I think this year deserves the doors, windows, and garage doors to be open!” Funny, but true! I’m thinking I’ll do just that. Out with the OLD and in with the NEW!
But, honestly, I just can’t complain. Through the ups and downs – I made it. Though home-bound most of the time – I thrived on the blessings of technology – zoom meetings, online church when churches were closed, Facetime and right here on social media. The greatest blessings were to witness profound blessings of seeing people pull together to encourage each other, families coming together in newfound closeness, and first responders and “essential” workers who put their lives on the line for us. I saw how God gives us many opportunities to “complain and remain” or “praise and be raised”. I was raised. I learned to trust His Word and His promises more and they were a lifeline for me.
A new year is almost here – but who’s counting? We can start singing a new song and CLOSE the door to the old “Everything’s gone wrong” songs and the “Woe is me” songs. Our LOVE for God and His LOVE for us puts a new song of joy, hope, and peace in our hearts. It’s an “Everything’s gonna be alright” song!
Imagine God giving us a gift at midnight tonight and January 1st rolls in with God saying: “What you do today – how you love, how you express gratitude and hope and express joy in the middle of your circumstances, will set the tone for 2021. TODAY sets the precedent for how your new year will be one of sad songs OR joy-filled, faith-filled, and overcoming-filled songs of victory.”
I’ve already been practicing for 2021. I’m singing a new song, flowing from the relationship I have with God. Won’t you join me in singing a new song? Let’s join the angels in singing “Glory to God in the highest,” because we see signs of His glory everywhere! (Luke 2:14). Let’s imitate Mary as we sing and magnify the Lord and rejoice in God our Savior. (Luke 1:46) Let’s sing for the joy of knowing we have been redeemed by a loving God.
And if you don’t like to sing, then at least THINK it, SPEAK it and get up close and personal with God and His Word. Then you’ll hear Him singing over you! “The LORD your God is among you, a warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will be quiet in his love. He will delight in you with SINGING!” (Zephaniah 3:17)