Open Wide – Take Your Dose of Laughter Medicine
I’m ordering an unlimited supply of it. Laughter medicine, I mean. If ever we needed a hearty dose, it is right here and now. I MUST live above the fray of those who are angry and upset about the election outcome, the incessant whining and complaining and living in fear about what tomorrow holds. The “fear-mongering” prophets who are warning us that the U.S. is “going to hell in a hand basket”! So, bring on the double-doses of laughter AND faith medicine. “A merry/joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22)
I don’t want the disease (dis-ease) of a sad, disheartened and crushed spirt. I don’t want dried-up bones. Bring on the medicine of laughter to lubricate our bones and joints. If you’re anywhere close to my age, you’ll probably need a triple dose of bone-and- joint-laughter lubrication!
An add-on to that Proverbs message is also this one from Proverbs: “She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she LAUGHS without fear of the future.” (Proverbs 31:25) I want to be this woman. She is a woman (and I’m sure men can be included) who embodies the balance of strength – she is strong, holding it all together, while being able to laugh in the face of fear. She walks in the recognition of not only who she is, but Whose she is. No need to fear when God is her Father. And, in a day when there is so much doom and gloom all around, laughing can be that “medicine” that causes us to have merry hearts, despite it all.

The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough or sniffle. Don’t you wish laughter were as contagious as Covid has been? When laughter is “caught”, we are bound together in joy. The medical field says humor and laughter strengthen our immune system, boosts our energy, diminishes pain, and protects us from stress. Best of all, this medicine is fun, free, and easy to use…..and we can’t overdose on it.
I pray that we all recognize that laughter just may be the needed ingredient for turning our disappointments to God’s appointments. I’m sure He laughs at His kids who get all disgruntled and sad when He has us all wrapped up and tied up in His lovingkindness and faithfulness. He’s got this. He’s got us. Whatever the future holds, like that Proverbs 31-woman, laughter just may be the medicine for us to take daily so that we live with “NO FEAR of the days to come.”
I’m oiling up my funny bones now! I’m listening to Christian comedian, Michael Jr. Here, take a dose of laughter medicine!
“They say 85% of people admit they are not good at math. I’m part of the other 22%.” ~ Michael Jr.
“Can I call a white duck a quacker?” ~ Michael Jr.
“I don’t understand why people say hurtful things like, ‘Wanna go for a run?’ or ‘Try this Kale.’” ~ Michael Jr.
“If I have written two books and one of them sells better than the other one, is that other book technically the best seller?” ~ Michael Jr.
“Is Jesus always the answer? What if the question is ‘who stole my $15?’” ~ Michael Jr.
“If you make your kids play Peter says instead of Simon says.. you’re probably oversaved.” ~ Michael Jr.
“If you try to multiply your leftovers instead of buying new food.. you may be oversaved.” ~ Michael Jr.
“If you only have sheets on your bed because Jesus is your comforter you might be oversaved.” ~ Michael Jr.