Our Minds have an Entertainer
I have a pretty sensible mind that can distinguish bad from good thoughts. So, why in the world would I allow myself to entertain negative, unpleasant and discouraging inside voices that tend to make me feel less than God created me to be. And, worst of all, as I “entertain” those self-defeating thoughts, I hear the enemy singing that old Broadway song: “Let me entertain you!”
Oh yes, that’s the enemy’s ploy — to cause us to entertain his dishonesty. I was born at night – but not last night. I get it. I catch on quickly. I know that I need to give my head a shake and say: “Where did THAT thought come from?” And where it comes from, determines where it leads to. And if the thought takes me from my God-given calling, no telling where I could end up.
My God-given calling leads me to purpose, joy, and peace. God called me to abundance which is freedom from the enemy’s lies. Paul the Apostle tells us what to do: “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). That is the action that gives us traction against the lies of the enemy.
How many times have I wallowed in self-pity as I entertained a negative thought. And how many times have I stood up to the lies of “the enemy – the entertainer” and get up out of that funk. I’m typing this blog in the first person, but I know it applies to you, too!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a “bouncer” at the door of our minds who kicked out the negative thoughts as quickly as they tried to enter? Wouldn’t it be amazing to have someone on the inside to guard our hearts from any adverse thoughts? Oh, we DO have Someone on the INSIDE!
I know this blog is for me, but perhaps the “Entertainer”, the enemy of our souls, is up to his gnarly tricks and is causing you to be tied up in mind knots and lies.
Today, I have my megaphone out and am amplifying God’s voice to us! We have His INSIDE voice of favor that represents abundant life. His voice is all about peace, joy, hope and mercy — NOT the “Entertainer’s” voice of darkness, animosity, despair, bitterness, lack of self-confidence, and fear.
We must “take captive” (shut the door) to negative mindsets and thoughts, and then purpose to replace them with possibility thoughts, joy and gratitude thoughts. When we are open to being God-thought-thinkers, then everything changes.
When we think of the beautiful sixth Beatitude that says: ““Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God,” (Matthew 5:8), then we’ll start seeing the good in ourselves, the good in others and the good in the world.
We know THE Someone Who lives inside us — and He is our peacemaker, chain breaker, life-changer, and good-provider. Let’s stick with Him to be our Entertainer…..and we are sure to have a good, good pure-in-heart time!!!
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My friend, you capture the human heart condition too a tee . How did you get so smart.