Our Mission is Possible Wherever We Are
Before I was asked to be on a panel at the SHE women’s event, I was asked to lead a Life Group weekly. Before I was asked to lead a Life Group, I served on the “Dream Team” of volunteers to welcome people into church. My “yeses” opened the door to speak at the larger event. My “yes” opened the door for a flood of precious women of all ages to mentor and be mentored by. What if we gave more yeses that opened doors to colossal new experiences that have the potential of changing the lives of many?
When we hear “mission”, maybe we think about Tom Cruise and his exploits in the Mission Impossible spy film series. Or, when we hear “mission”, we may think about missionaries in a third world country, dedicated to bringing lost souls to Christ. The truth is we are all called to a mission – right here or over there. God doesn’t value a far-off there more than an ordinary right here. Every there for us is someone else’s here.
Yes, some are called to go but most are called to stay, and this is no lesser of a story to be living. If God is everywhere, and He tells us that He is, then we can serve Him in any corner of it — including the one at the end of our own street. We are all missionaries because none of us are “home.” We are all in a foreign place, in a culture where we are not true citizens but wanderers. “Our citizenship is in heaven.” (Philippians 3:20).
The good news is we can honor God right here in the familiar of our lives. We don’t have to go anywhere but to Him for us to be useful in His Kingdom. If we’re called to step on a plane or boat, we go with the blessing of God. If we’re called to stay in a kitchen or a check-out line at a store or a conference room or a desk in a classroom, we can say “Yes” and stay right where we are with the blessing of God.
“Missionary” means someone who has or is on a mission. If that’s the case, then we all bear that name. I’m by no means taking away the special honor that should be given to those for whom it is also an occupation. I’m simply saying: “Let’s not diminish the privilege we all have of being part of a great mission, too.” You and I have been sent. We were sent the second the first spark of life flickered in our mother’s womb. And now to wherever we are today.
I am convinced that God is fully here as much as He is on some distant continent. Let’s take off our shoes and declare that right here where we stand is holy ground, too. Because God is right here, right now. Even more miraculous, He is in us. God Himself is Who He wants us to bring wherever we are, wherever we go.
Do you want to know where God is asking you to serve right now? You only need to look down at the one-foot square of humble, sacred earth beneath your feet. The only place on this spinning globe where both you and God are present in this moment. That’s where we can always make a difference. Just say YES!
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5