Ours are the Hands
At the Vincentian Family Center last Saturday, I was privileged to share the morning devotion with the “team”. Those who follow me on Facebook or my website know that I am a deep well and drawing from that well is way more than anyone would need to hear. “Little” said often comes with a “bigger” punch. I prayed for that!
When I woke up earlier Saturday morning, everything I had planned to say….was thrown out the window. I simply meditated about these people (the salaried people and the volunteers) who love so deeply. It shows. They treat all the consumers (well-to-do people, average income earners and homeless people) the same – with integrity, respect and honor to each one.
So, speaking to their tender and kind hearts, I remembered St. Teresa of Avila’s words. I give them to you today, my dear friends, because these words are for you, too! This time of year brings those words home to us:
“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” – St. Teresa of Avila
Some folks think that love, kindness, and thoughtfulness means being the next Mother Teresa (now St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta) who would do anything for God and those who couldn’t do anything for themselves. But they miss the everyday opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
The enormity of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was in her deeds. Everyone respected her persevering work in the restoration of poor people. Mother Teresa had tremendous affection and empathy for all living creatures. She was a woman of character that committed her life to help others.
More than anything, I desire to be faithful to God’s “call” on my life. I’ve received many nudges from God and I let them go because of time restraints or busyness or attitude or “it’s just too difficult”. On the other hand, I think about those times when I did say “YES”, that I reaped incredible rewards in knowing I was getting applause from heaven. That is MY utmost desire — to please God.
I can only imagine that God has a truckload of blessings ready to be dumped on our lives — if but only we are FAITHFUL to His still small voice that says: “Be my hands and my feet and my voice. Call that homebound friend; take a meal to a neighbor; take someone to a doctor appointment; volunteer at the Food Bank; start a Bible Study; pray; give out of your abundance.” After all, God doesn’t call us to be successful; He calls us to be faithful!