Peace, Goodwill to All Men AND Women
Of course, I am going to blog about peace and goodwill today. And, in so doing, I am sucker-punching the enemy of my soul. I have had way too many reasons to throw in the towel lately than I care to talk about. But you probably know that I can’t help but talk about it.
My peace was interrupted by a printer problem and then a computer problem. Because I am a blogger and writer, AND greeting card designer, I depend on both of those devices. I hassled with those incredibly wonderful devices (when they are working properly) and ultimately had to call technicians. Ugh!
As most know, my official blog site is MyPeaceZone.com . I post my blog daily there, as well as Blogspot and Facebook. Did you get that MY PEACE ZONE? That’s where I live most of the time, but stuff happens and when “my peace zone” is no where to be found, frustration enters.
I must. I must. I must build up my remedies for staying in peace – making it a holy determination – no matter what! The angels exclaimed to the shepherds on that holy night: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill to all men.”
Peace and goodwill really isn’t talked about that much. Just put on a news channel, and the calamities and distresses of our world can cause loss of that peace and goodwill. It is lost in politics, news media, and even our relationships with each other. Oh, but there’s good news!
God could have chosen a lot to say that night. He could have dealt with politics (which had their troubles then too). He could have lauded verbose words to proclaim the need for morality and civility. He could have taken a tone like a ruler-tapping teacher and told us all to get our act together. But instead, He blessed us. He spoke words of encouragement and hope.
What if the whole world did the same this Christmas? What if in this season we all put down our opinions and picked up peace and goodwill? What if we shut our mouths and opened our hearts by reaching out our hands? What if our angry words were buried and we brought out the welcome mat for peace and goodwill?
Jesus’ mission to this earth was mostly about loving and bringing peace to our conflicts and our frustrations. Signed, sealed and delivered – was His message. It is not on our shoulders – except to be in peace – no matter what!
Peace on earth, goodwill toward men! It’s the good news of the first Christmas. And this good news hasn’t changed. I suggest that it’s time to spread the GOOD NEWS of “peace on earth, goodwill toward men”!
We need to turn up the volume of our peace-filled voices and turn up our “light” amps! Let’s make this Christmas all about peace, goodwill and love. Let’s welcome the Prince of Peace into our homes, our stables, our churches, our schools and our hearts….starting today, this very minute.
God’s peace and goodwill be with you and your loved ones this Christmas!