Peace in the Middle of the Usual Being Unusual
When our children marry and have families of their own, we may have to do a lot of tweaking to adapt to their lifestyles and their way of doing things differently than what we did. It comes with the territory of being the “senior” in the bunch. So, rather than resisting the changes, I’ve decided to take hold of them and own them. Actually, I’ve become quite savvy at accepting change and doing my best to create moments right in the middle of it.
This year’s “usual” was seriously “unusual” in just about every way, as we spent most of our Christmas moments on the go — packing boxes, looking for a new downsized home for my kids which meant lots of giving items away, donating many items to charity and Craigs List for others. We squeezed in as many moments as we could to celebrate the birth of our Lord — at church, in prayers together, in our entire family sharing and hearing the Christmas Story together via technology — and so many moments of thankgiving and gratitude.
Last year I started a new tradition from my typical Christmas gift- buying frenzy. I picked up where Granny and Papaw left off and changed to giving money gifts. It was a great relief! So that was my plan – an envelope with $$ and a little momento that represents my heart to them. Last year it was a cardinal Christmas ornament to each one which represented Papa being still with us in our hearts.

I knew my theme this year would be about the sweet PEACE that has pervaded my life for so many years — especially since the passing of my beloved husband. I added personalized words to each of my 11 kids and grandkids, but this excerpt was the same for everyone. I want them to know this “peace that passes understanding”. I share this excerpt with you so that you will know the peace I desire to pay forward to the loves in my life — which include YOU!
My beloved ______ Peace be with You! This little PEACE plaque is just for YOU! It’s not just a Christmas gift. I give it to you today so you will find a place where you will see it often and be reminded that whatever is going on in your world, on any day or time, God’s peace is right there with you, if you’ll take it. This is my gift and my prayer for you every day of your life. That you would know where and Who to go to any time and any day for peace. Peace is my favorite place and favorite word EVER. That’s because I know that’s where God is. He waits for me and I go to Him there when things aren’t too peaceful around me. THERE is anywhere we choose to be – because God is everywhere. Here is an acronym of what peace is to me:
~ P – my PRECIOUS, POWERFUL and PASSIONATE PLACE where I spend time in Jesus’ PRESENCE. Where He blesses me with so much love, hope and joy.
~ E – my ESSENTIAL, EXCITING, place of ENJOYING Jesus’ PRESENCE. I am ENERGIZED every time I spend time there.
~ C – my CLOSE CONNECTION with Jesus where I am COMFORTED and CONSUMED with His great love and peace for me.
~ E – my sweet spot where I can EXHALE all negative, ugly, scary worries and be ENRICHED and ENVELOPED in an ENVIRONMENT of ENDEARING love and peace.
Good-bye 2019. Welcome 2020! We’re ready for the best, most PEACEFUL year ever! Your Adoring and Loving Mom aka Nana who loves you so, so much!“You will keep in perfect peace all whose mind is stayed on You!” Isaiah 26:3