Playing Hide-and-Seek with God
We don’t have to play hide-and-seek with God. You know when we look and look to find the “hidden” player and they have such a good hiding place that we finally have to give up and say: “Come out. Come out wherever you are!” Good news. God isn’t hidden! He is always out!
Yesterday, my blog focused on the fear-filled disciples, who huddled all together in panic mode behind closed doors after the death of Christ. They heard He had risen but it was hearsay as far as they were concerned. THEN, Jesus showed up. He came out from hiding. His presence filled the room.
Yesterday afternoon, while waiting for the diagnosis of an “engine light” on my car, I read this scripture. “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”
No matter where we are – behind closed doors or in the middle of an auto service department or a doctor’s office waiting for the diagnosis of an auto repair or a physical body repair — God’s Spirit is with us. There are two constants in my life. One is Me (I can’t get away from me — I’m always with me) and Father God. I am so blessed to know I am never alone. I acknowledge the real fact that I will never be without Him and His presence.
Not until “doubting” Thomas saw the nail prints in Jesus’ hands and put his finger in His side did he believe Jesus was alive. (John 20:24-29). Then, he said “My Lord and my God.” I say those words today from this auto repair shop: “My Lord and my God!” He is here with me as I type this post. He is here with me when the service rep tells me “It’s your catalytic converter and it will cost $1,800 and there are other issues.” Grand Total: $3,250. I momentarily tear up. Then I re-read this blog I’m writing. I’m reminded….”my Lord and my God” is right here with me. I sense His presence.
Panic mode just about sets in, but I remember Him and I sense “Get a second opinion.” I get one from a reputable and highly recommended automotive repair shop and their pricing is far less than the dealership. God showed up. I sense His nudges as I share about Him with you. I sense Him when I open my eyes and heart to Him as I meditate on Him. “When you seek me, you will find Me.” Jeremiah 29:13
Maybe you feel all alone and desperate today. Trust me. You aren’t alone. God is there with you. He’s standing at your heart’s door and knocking — desiring to team up with you today. He desires to be the CONSTANT in your life. He is simply waiting for the invitation to come in. Go ahead. Acknowledge Him. Welcome Him. He is your Friend and Savior – a very PRESENT help in times of need. He’ll always accept the invitation.