Seeing God in Everything
I was power walking with a spring in my step yesterday. That’s when I heard this song on my playlist AFTER I posted a photo of the skies that were filled with, what I called “cotton candy” clouds. My post read: “For days God fills His skies with cotton candy – oh, it’s going to be a sweet, sweet day.” Right on God’s queue came Toby Mac’s song, “I see you in everything all day.”
It was a “Way to go, Donna!” from God. I just know it. He saw me recognizing Him in everything little thing, and I’d love to think, “all day”, but I need to work on that! And, I think He was telling me that, too! “Donna, don’t just see me on your walks, but see Me in everything – the beauty all around you AND even the not so beautiful things, but in My hands, they can become beautiful. EVERYTHING is in My hands to produce in you both the desire and the ability to do what pleases Me!” (Philippians 2:13)
The truth is this. Every day we have the choice of looking for the good in everything or focusing our attention on all the negativity and bad that is out there. Let’s be good-lookers! If you have the chance – listen to Toby’s song, “Everything” first thing in the morning – it will surely put some spring in your steps for the entire day, too!
“I see You in everything, all day
And every beat of my heart keeps reminding me
I see You in every little thing, all day
No matter where I go I know Your love is finding me
I see You in everything
You’re all up in everything
I did a little research and found out where the inspiration came from for this song. Here’s what Toby said on Twitter and Instagram on July 25, 2018: “I was on my way to the studio one day to write this song, a song I had in my head but not really in my heart. So, on the drive, I said a really simple prayer. I said, ‘Daddy, if You want me to write a song other than this one, will You show me something?’ As I continued drivin’, my eyes began to open and I could hear Him saying, ‘Nah, Toby, I’m not gonna show you somethin’. I’m showing you everything.’ Isaiah 43:19 says, ‘I am doing a new thing in the land. It’s springing forth; do you perceive it?’ I walked in the studio that day with a fresh song to write. Yep, a new song in my heart. And I’m gonna fight to keep lookin’ for God in everything all day.”
So, there you go! No wonder Toby’s God spoke to him, like our one and the same God speaks to us. Instead of seeing the ugly and nasty around us – we just need to open our eyes to all the wonders of our wonder-working God! I’m so glad to be on THIS side of blessings! How about you?
“For by Him ALL THINGS were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through Him and for Him.” Colossians 1:16