Seeing Through God’s Eyes
Last Sunday I heard a beautiful message. “Imagine you are a blank slate and there is no data in you. No more past failures or troubles. No influences. On this first day you find out there is a God who created you in His own image. (Genesis 1:27). Really? I’m like God! Awesome! Then the next info is from Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon formed against you will prosper”. Then Jeremiah 29:11 “I have great plans for you!” Let’s go, God! We’ve got this! Then you learn that God gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16) for you. Wow! God, you REALLY love me! Then, you hear these words: “You are more than a conqueror; You can do all things through Christ Who gives you strength; and nothing is impossible with God.” Whoohoo! We’re in it to win it!
And that’s how we can start each new day. Clean slate. Not a do-over, but a start over. That is power to the nth degree! We can only imagine…..right? But is it only imagination when God promised this kind of abundant life for us? Amazing! But, that abundant life for us was to not hold it to ourselves. What if we emptied ourselves of the negative at the end of each day and woke up the next day declaring: “Lord, I am a clean slate today even though I have stuff to deal with in this day; family to attend to; a job that must be worked at; bills to pay, and dishes to wash!” But God asks us to take a ride with him on a huge heaven-sized jumbo jet. He takes us up to get the 30,000 feet view that He has when He looks at us and this world.
We look out the windows but all we see are puffy, white clouds all around us. We don’t see the fires that could be raging, traffic jams, floods taking over lands and lives, and chaos of wars and conflict. We can’t see it because we’re tucked away inside a protective cloud that blocks our view. We don’t see the chaos that’s going on in homes, cars, or buildings. And, isn’t that the way we live our “clean slate” lives? We’ve been given everything to make us successful, but God rolls back the clouds and lets us see what He sees. God zeroes us in on the people who are hurting. He sees them. We see them.
As peaceful the thought of not knowing what’s going on down below the clouds, it’s not what God had in mind. He orchestrated our debut ON this earth and brought us to this place and time, to be right smack dab in the middle of LIFE and all that it holds. Words from Amy Grant’s “The Father’s Eyes” go like this: “When people look inside my life, I want to hear them say / She’s got her Father’s eyes / Eyes that find the good in things / When good is not around / Eyes that find the source of help / When help just can’t be found/ Eyes full of compassion, seeing every pain ‘ Knowing what you’re going through, and feeling it the same / Just like my Father’s eyes.”
People need someone who SEES them. We’ve heard the saying “They’re so heavenly minded that they’re no earthly good!” We’re here to be earth-minded to LOOK and SEE — SEE and BE the answer to someone’s prayers. We are here on assignment. When we make the Lord Jesus the Lord of our lives, we are given an assignment by Him to BE His disciples and His light in this hurting and cynical world. Not only having our Father’s eyes to see those around us in need, but to be His hands that hold the hands of those who are hurting, touching the untouchable, and reaching out to the unlovable. To be His feet that travel to free those held captive. To have His heart full of compassion. “But when He SAW the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them……” (Matthew 9:36)
Thank you, Lord, I’m a clean slate today – with eyes wide open to serve You well!