Seize the Moment

Seize the Moment

January 17, 2021 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Last month, it was my daughter’s birthday morning and her breakfast request? Burger King’s egg and cheese croissant and hash browns! Easy peasy! My pleasure! Larry and the kids had the decorations up. I had the breakfast. Alexa played “You are so beautiful” when she came in the room. It was celebration time of a beautiful and precious life that God gave us.

After breakfast, Staci opened her gifts and cards. I had my iPhone in hand to record “the moments”. As Staci read Larry’s card, Payton and Alexia were on queue when she read the words from Proverbs 31:28 “Her children arise and call her blessed”. I captured the moment. I’m still smiling big with an inner chuckle about it! When Staci read those words outloud, Payton and Alexia stood up and proclaimed: “You are blessed!”

I often blog about making moments count. There’s a Latin phrase for it: Carpe Momentum which means “Seize the Moment”. This is MY own definition of a MOMENT: “an instant, that almost imperceptible amount of time that barely registers measurement, but when being present and given full thought and attention to it, miracles can happen, inventions and innovations can be created, lives are transformed and heaven touches earth — because the MOMENT was noticed.” – Donna Wuerch

The older I get the more I understand the importance and value of seizing the moment. Seizing the moment is engaging in intentional thinking. At church, when the priest, rabbi or pastor is speaking, do you find your mind wandering or even falling asleep? And all the while, that speaker may have given wisdom for the answer you needed to help you get out of your difficult situation. I’m one of those “note takers” in church or meetings because I want my valuable time to be worthwhile and I want to give honor to the speaker’s valuable time that he/she spent preparing.

I’m the camera/photo opt “junkie” in our family. My iPhone is like an appendage to me. I’m always seizing the moments to take photos of “in-the-moment” times. My family has come to terms with it. Once upon a time it was “No, Nana – not another photo!” But, rarely do they complain about it anymore. They know my style AND they know how much these moments of photo-taking means to me.

Seize the moment. It’s not all about picture-taking. It is being present in the moment. It works like this. Amid the craziness of life, seize a few quiet minutes to rest, reflect, recharge. Maybe take a mini mental vacation to enjoy life’s blessings. Instead of working through your lunch hour (or just 20 minutes), turn off your phone and computer to genuinely enjoy the daily bread you have been given. Go out for dinner…at some place that serves your meal on a plate, not in a bag. Stop by to see your parents, older kids and/or your grandkids. If you can’t get there physically, then call them, skype them, or just sit quietly and send up a prayer for them. Reflect on life and give thanks that you can see, move, or even just breathe.

Seize the moments! Carpe Momentum!