![Spy Wednesday of Holy Week](https://i0.wp.com/mypeacezone.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Easter-Not-Cancelled.jpg?resize=719%2C405&ssl=1)
Spy Wednesday of Holy Week
Here in my community, it only slightly looks like Easter is near. There are a few cardboard signs and metal crosses in lawns. What I prominently see are white ribbons on neighbors’ trees. The word spread for us to tie white ribbons on our trees to show our appreciation to those who are front-liners in this pandemic. I’ve also seen red ribbons around the doorposts of many homes that represent the blood of Jesus’ protecting them. This is definitely not like any Easter we’ve ever known. But, lest we think it’s cancelled or even long for the “good ole days” – Easter has NOT changed. And, neither has the reason for the season. Christ lived, healed, saved, was brutally murdered, buried and came back to life and lives forevermore. Those are the facts that remain. He lives and is here with us right now!
But let’s get it straight. It does seem strange, surreal – in fact, almost unbelievable that we are experiencing this Holy Week like this. But, no less unbelievable in what Jesus experienced this week. On this day, things started really amping up for His final days. His short 33 years of life on this earth were expeditiously coming to a close.
is a really, really big deal! It’s everything!
Imagine Jesus’ thoughts on this day. Wednesday meant one day closer to His suffering and crucifixion. This day was called “Spy Wednesday” because it was on this Wednesday before the crucifixion that Judas conspired to hand Jesus over to the chief priests. “What will you give me if I betray Jesus to you?” They counted out thirty silver coins and gave them to him. From then on Judas watched for a good chance to hand Jesus over to them. (Matthew 26:14)
Jesus spent this day in Bethany. It had been two exhausting days in Jerusalem and tomorrow would be the Passover. Bethany is where Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha lived. They were close friends of Jesus. and probably hosted Jesus and the disciples. John 12:1-9 tells us that it was on this day that Mary anointed Jesus with costly perfumed oil. Judas (same guy plotting to betray Jesus) remarks to Jesus: “Why this waste? This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” We know Judas was the money keeper for Jesus and the disciples and he sure wasn’t thinking about the poor, but about His own schemes. Jesus rebuked him and said Mary anointed Him for his burial
essential services people who are on the frontlines for us!
I’m literally walking with Jesus this week. And, hopefully you’ve joined hands with me and we’re walking this journey together.
Somehow I think this week is just what the doctor (rather, God) ordered. We need a rescuer. And, His name is Jesus Christ. I’m thinking that God is loudly declaring: “STOP! This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased! And You should be pleased right along with Me! Pay attention to Him. Pay attention to what He did for you. This is the answer to EVERYTHING that you need.
This week I went to a doctor’s appointment. I thought to myself that it feels like a Sunday — a Sabbath day because there were so fewer cars out and about. Just maybe God called this time of “essential” services — a Sabbath for us to slow down and think about He Who is the MOST ESSENTIAL in our lives.
We are walking with Jesus on His journey to Calvary. With great gratitude, we remember Jesus because of Who He was and what He did for us. All of humanity – ALL OF US — were cursed and doomed to death, but Jesus assumed the guilt of humanity. Imagine that heavy load He carried on this Holy Wednesday. He must have been mustering up every fiber of His strength to go the distance to the cross that awaited Him. The cross – that would symbolize an emergency rescue – it would forever represent rescuing humanity for all time. How could we not stop, listen, and express so much gratitude for our rescue? Yes, He is our “Rescue Story”!
Thank you, Zach Williams, for putting our “Rescue Story” to words and song! May it bless you today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yr48Berkqc