Staying Positive in a Negative World
In our Nextdoor app, one of my neighbors posted this: “Happy Heart. With all the turmoil in the world, a wonderful thing happened yesterday. As my husband and I were pulling into our drive, a man in a red truck pointed to our neighbor’s house and asked if she were home. He had found her purse in the basket corral at Walmart and was personally returning it to her. He was a fireman named Robert. He went out of his way to drive it all the way to her house with everything intact. There are beautiful people in this world and we need to remember this. What a terrific thing for someone to do. This could’ve ended in a totally different way with much inconvenience. We appreciate people like you, Robert! Stay safe!!”
Aw! A story worthy of sharing because it was refreshing considering the Nextdoor app is often used by cranky folks who are “ticked” about something or someone.
It was so uplifting to be with gals from my church on Monday night after being apart for so many months. The little whining we did was only because we couldn’t hug each other — especially for us huggers.
Being on purpose to stay in a positive frame of mind is as simple as looking for the good everywhere – like that fireman helping a neighbor. Here’s a few of the ways I keep myself energized by focusing on the blessings in my life on a daily basis:
- I protect myself from negative news. While I want to keep up with current events, sometimes a headline is sufficient to grasp new developments. I limit the time I spend with mainstream media. Truthfully, if that’s where we get our daily “feeding” from instead of God’s Word, then we can only blame ourselves if we’re discouraged.
- I control the number of negative people in my life. Other than when I am encouraging someone who is going through real challenges, I carefully select how much time I spend with those who are intent on just being negative. My frame of mind and my attitude is dependent on what I allow into my mind.
- I listen to uplifting Christian music and be transported to a place of joy, peace, and thanksgiving.
- I practice gratitude. Appreciating life and its many blessings puts me in a good mood. That gratitude makes me want to encourage others – calling or messaging them with an encouraging word. And, random acts of kindness goes a long way in turning a negative world into a positive one.
- I pray randomly all day: “Thank you, God, for that green light. Thank you, God, for that parking space.” And whether it’s in traffic or a line at the store, I call on His name as a reminder to have a little conversation with THE ONE who isn’t surprised by the delays. No doubt, it’s a part of His Master Plan.
There’s blessings and beauty everywhere. It’s possible to stay positive in a negative world when we look for it.
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8