Still Celebrating Easter
Looking across the room to my TV stand, I see two framed photos. One, with all my children and grandchildren and me. The other is one of my husband and me. It’s a way of introducing my neighbors to my loves. My family was altogether over the weekend — well, except for my sweetheart in heaven and our sweet Ruth who was helping her parents in Arizona move to California. I miss my crew in Frisco so having them here for the week-end made me so happy. We made big memories and casted vision together all week-end long. Before heading back home to Frisco, we went to Taverna’s at the Domain after church for one last hoo-rah together. Of course, they had to indulge me for my Easter photo!
This last photo shows how far we’ve come. Since we’re still in the season of Easter right through to Jesus’ ascension, I thought I would have a trip down Memory Lane. This photo at our church in Shawnee, OK, 1980 was a big deal to us. After all it was Easter Sunday. Had to get those new Easter outfits and an Easter bonnet. I had enough hair back then, that unmistakably served as all the hat I needed.

Maybe you are thinking that I am in Easter memories overload. I am and here’s why. The Easter season (the resurrection of our Lord and His time on earth before ascending to heaven) is still underway. For 40 days Jesus was “in and out” of places and people’s lives. He stepped alongside two of His disciples on their way home to Emmaus. He appeared to Mary and other women. He appeared to His disciples when He walked through walls and even cooked a meal for them on the shoreline. For 40 days, Jesus proved to His followers that He really had been raised from the dead. In 1 Corinthians 15:6, St. Paul records that Jesus “appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time”.
What a seminar on resurrection life it must have been to be taught about new life, resurrection life, and never-ending life by the One Who had said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live. Whoever believes in Me shall never die.” John 11:25.
We can all live in this abundant life every day. Who knew in that 1980 photo my sweetheart wouldn’t be in this 2021 family photo? God did. But because of resurrection life – there will be a reunion like none other. Death on this side of heaven is just our “Forever” life with Him — just like He said. As Jesus walked and talked to those during his 40-days back-to-life before His ascension……is the same for us today. We see Him all around us and He still shows up when we least expect Him. He showed up this weekend for me in having the sweetest of times with my family.
When we watch the news on TV or read about it on social media and hear the gloom and despair of what awaits the world daily, we don’t have to be a member of that choir that only sings songs of dread and fear. Christ’s resurrection, if we let it, can change our perspective on everything. Because He lives….we can face anything and live lives of hope and victory.
When I see the beauty all around me in creation, have tender moments like this weekend and live in such sweet peace that passes understanding, I know it’s because my Savior, my King of Kings and Lord of Lords LIVES. One day of celebrations just isn’t enough. Let’s keep celebrating this miraculous, life-changing season of Easter every day!