Stop and Look Around Once in a While
In the words of the great philosopher, Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you’ll miss it!” That is so true, and unless you’re my age, or more, you may not give those words a second thought now — but give it a few years, and believe you me, you’ll understand them so much, you’ll be glad you did or you will regret NOT stopping and looking around.
I woke yesterday morning early to get my blog posted as usual and then getting breakfast going for the gang. Some of us departed our separate ways. Alexia and Gracie (who came in the day before) are heading to Nashville, Alexia’s friend, Zeke, is headed to Colorado and I am heading home. Payton and his friend, Chris, moved from the cabin to the RV. Larry, Staci and the guys still have more fishing and adventuring in them for a couple more days. There’s just too many hungry trout calling their names! Biggest catches of the day was yesterday as Larry and Staci took to their kayaks aka fishing-boats-extraordinaire that brought in the greatest trout haul so far!

Honestly, this group lives by John Wayne’s famous words, “Hurry it up! We’re burnin’ daylight!” Usually it isn’t yet daylight when we’re headed to the river. You know you’re a “red neck” when your biological clock is set to the time that fish are feeding.
It is such a joy to hang out in the great outdoors with my children. My daughter, Staci, is at the helm of the adventures. In the great outdoors. She’s not the girly-girl we normally see. She’s an adventurer and outdoors-woman to the core, so just the thought of those fish being there for the taking, gets her “engine” revving. You know you’re a “red neck” when you sleep in your clothes — ready to hit the ground running.

The beer-battered fish didn’t disappoint and neither did the fried squirrel. You know you’re a red neck when squirrel is your appetizer. Boys will be boys! Oh, me! You know you’re a red neck when squirrel and “coon” hunting, finding and feeding is the best-of-times to you!

I overheard the three guys in Cabin 45 (my grandson and his two friends) who had so many adventures that started with the mind-set “Daylight’s burning so let’s get in as much as we can!” They dreamed out loud about having a restaurant called Cabin 45 – specialty wild game and delicacies that represent the great outdoors. By the way – no cell coverage in Cabin 45 – so their imaginations went wild! They were able to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN to the “call of the wild” and the “call of God” Who starts with dreams and visions planted in their hearts. Isn’t that what He wants for His kids? That’s the stuff that God’s goodness is made of — great ideas, being creative, living with a grateful heart in the ups and downs, and enjoying the littlest of things that makes the biggest of things seem so trivial. It can only be had when we stop, look and listen.

Maybe it’s time to come to a screeching halt to the fast-lane and go off-road to all that God could be putting into your pathway! Life is a great adventure!

How awesome it is to “Look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!” Psalm 27:13. So, to put John Wayne’s “Daylight’s a’wasting” to scripture words, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Psalm 118:24