Tag: crave God's Word

Got Milk?

Remember the “Got Milk?” commercials where a well-known celebrity was proud to admit they drank milk by revealing their milk moustache? The commercial encouraged milk consumption and the campaign was credited for upping milk sales by highlighting the benefits of milk. As we flew to Puerto Vallarta yesterday, this baby was just across the aisle…

By Donna Wuerch October 16, 2023 Off

Sweets and Sweet Advent

It seems irreverent to combine Advent and sweets into my blog title today, but hear me out! I’m going somewhere with this! I sat by a kind man last Sunday at church. He said “Happy Thanksgiving” to me; I said “Merry Christmas” to him. He patted his tummy and told me he had way too…

By Donna Wuerch December 1, 2021 Off