The Risky Rewards of Saying “Yes” to God
I said “Yes” and married an 18-year-old man-child when I was 17. Three months later, the man-child said: “Let’s start our family!” Again, I said “Yes”. It was risky to marry so young, but even more risky to bring a baby into this world when we were mere babies ourselves. We didn’t have our maturity,…
The Security of a Teddy Bear
On February 15, 1903, Toy store owner and inventor Morris Michtom placed two stuffed bears in his shop window, and advertised them as Teddy bears. Michtom had earlier petitioned President Theodore Roosevelt for permission to use his nickname, Teddy. The president agreed and, before long, Teddy bears were being made by toy manufacturers everywhere. I…
They Say, We Say, I Say, You Say
We can say so many defeating and negative things about ourselves – when we need to be saying what God says about us instead. Others may cast shadows of doubt in us by what they say to us and then there’s the times when WE (you know, misery loves company) speak negative and self-deprecating things…