Tag: mission

Letting the Whole World Know

We are seizing so many opportunities to share good news via technology. We sure need that good news! Facebook and FB Live, YouTube videos, teleconferencing, Instagram and other forms of communicating hope-filled messaging. Before the internet and social media, many of us Jesus followers were quite reclusive. Our faith stayed at home. Jesus “talk” was…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 31, 2020 Off

I’m a Thankful Mess

This girl, while I may appear all-together, there are just times, I am a mess. I’m confessing that because I heard the speaker at our church’s “mission” this week make that confession. He said that his in-laws get a little uncomfortable with all the crosses and crucifixes in their home. In fact they have one…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 31, 2020 Off