Tested -Tried – Proven – Rewarded
Back in 2012, my son and his team created and launched a technology company. I was one of the founding members and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to be a part of something so innovative. Before the technology was brought to life, there were months of testing the product. Then when we had the product in our hands, we were the ones to try the product to help determine its value and worth. We proved it worked and were rewarded for our accomplishments.
My sweet Tulsa sis-in-law and I had a long catch-up call a couple of days ago. It has been five months since Mom passed on. Karen was a devoted, relentless and 24-7 committed caregiver to Mom.. Mom was a hand-full! She wanted and needed Karen’s undivided attention and Karen had very few breaks.
Karen reported her care-free life now which includes working in her yard without concern for Mom. She asked for a lawnmower so she could push it in her front yard. I said “I thought you had a lawn service.” She said, “We do, but I want to take care of the front yard.” She said she spent the day mowing and bagging. I understood what she meant. The role that caregivers play is demanding and, oftentimes, seems unbearable. But, now, after having been tested and tried, she and George are proving that the journey may be demanding, but oh, such victory at the end.
I remember the tests and the trials of caring for my own husband. We endured the tests (literally) and the trials of devastating illness, but we passed the tests. He won by getting to go to heaven. I won by having a life today of freedom, joy and experiencing God’s goodness every day!
In each of those examples of testing and trials, there were lots of kinks and defeats along the way, but each test ultimately worked out and then before we knew it, whoa-la, the product was proven AND we were proven. What a ride we had!
Do you ever feel like YOU are the product and you are going through testing that comes with trials? It’s a process and God’s eyes are not closed. They are on us. Yes, there is testing and trials. The reason? God has such big plans for the conquerors, the no-quitters, the winners and the victors!
The question is: “Will we prove faithful, or will we cave before we cross the finish line?
Our attitude, our talk, our posture, our walk, and how we hold it together during the testing process is the indicator of how well we pass or fail the test. When we complain about our present circumstances and challenges, and even cave, we remain stuck in the test tube.
The complaining determines how long we’ll get to stay right there, and, if we keep it up, we’ll even get to go around the same mountain again and again and again! Remember the Israelites being stuck wandering in the wilderness for 40 years — that should have taken them only 11 days (Deuteronomy 1:2). They complained….and remained!
Oftentimes, we, too, are out wandering in the desert, complaining — and wondering why it’s taking us so long to get from Point A to Point B, and why it seems we’re getting NOWHERE fast. Could it possibly be that we’re remaining because we’re complaining? Wouldn’t it be better to try another, tested, tried and proven fact…..when the PRAISES go UP, the blessings come down? It’s our choice: complain and remain, or praise and be raised!