The Comparison Trap
Back to that colonoscopy that I had last Friday. My male nurse introduced me to the student nurse who was going to put in the I-V. “Uh-oh!”, I thought. I didn’t resist, but I had my doubts.
First, I hear the head nurse say, “That’s a #22 needle. I think you need to use a #20 needle.” Then head nurse says: “Are you really wanting to go into her hand and not her arm?” Student nurse says: “I see a good vein in her hand.” Head nurse says: “Okay.”
Me: “Ouch and oh me!” as student nurse misses the vein and is about to go in again. I quickly say to head nurse: “Would you please put in the I-V?” He says: “Of course”! I apologize to the student. Head nurse gets ‘er done in my arm. Bada bing bada boom!! But the deed was done. A big bruise shows up on my hand.
I am in that stage of life when it doesn’t take much for bruises to appear on my hands and arms because I accidentally hit something. And often I see a new wrinkle when I look in the mirror. Then there are those “wisdom spots” that keep popping up.
My social media feed seems to know me well as I keep seeing gorgeous women in beauty treatment ads and toned arms and abs videos. In a matter of minutes, this relatively confident woman who was just taking a 5-minute break to check my newsfeed is trying to figure out why I am wallowing in a lack of self-esteem.
It’s a tricky trap set up by the enemy of our souls AND bodies! As faith-filled believers, we know better. We lift and cheer on ourselves and one another. That’s what they did in the Book of Galatians.
Paul explains to the Galatians that human desires can take us captive and the way to release hold of them is by “living in the Spirit”. “If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another.” (Galatians 5:25-26)
I take great comfort in knowing my value and worth have absolutely nothing to do with how toned (or well-worn) my exterior is at any given moment. I know my value and worth have much more to do with the fact that, while imperfect, I am still perfectly loved. And so are you!
As we daily ask the Holy Spirit to help us curb our negative thoughts about ourselves and others, surely, He will fill us with confidence in who we are in Christ. That’s when God’s perfect path is laid out for us to rise and shine because the glory of our Lord is in us and shines through us.
I’m taking another Galatians encouragement from Galatians 5:16 to my heart AND body today. Won’t you join me? “I am purposing to live by the Spirit. I will do my best to stop trying to gratify the desires of the flesh.” We are perfectly loved by God. We are His chosen possessions and are His precious sons and daughters.
Royal family members own up to their royal positions in grace, confidence, and beauty. They act, live, and respect their royal positions. So, let us hold our heads up high and think, act, and live in who we are meant to be. And to all your royal highnesses out there, straighten your crowns. After all, you are children of the King!