The Love Just Keeps on Giving
Here we are on the last day of February! It’s hard to believe — only ten months till Christmas. So if you’re desiring a November or December baby — pitter patter — better get at ‘er!
Awww! Babies! Be still my heart! This photo isn’t of me, but it sure looks like me singing to my baby boy. Same color of hair (the baby and me), that thin, and that love she has for her baby! Oh, how I loved singing to my babies AND grandbabies. As I scroll through my Facebook timeline, I can’t help but slow down when I see a mom or dad’s new baby photos with their cutest, enormous bows ever on little girls and “future football player” shirts on little boys! Forgive me, but I’m a gawker, smeller (heaven’s scent is all over them), a rocker (in the chair sense) AND singer. The maternal instincts in me want to get my hands on those little darlings.
I am biding my time until my grandson and his wife give me my first great grandbaby. Lord knows (and maybe they know all too well also) that this Nana will be invading their privacy when that precious one arrives someday. I’ve been planning their baby since I started encouraging my grandson to find himself a Spanish senorita because I declared “you’d make beautiful babies”! He fulfilled my request and gave me a senorita beauty — inside and out! Check! Okay, I was sort of kidding about all that, but I know one of these days I’ll hold that little bundle of joy and oh the love songs I’ll sing to him or her or THEM (Ruth is a triplet!). In the latter case, all hands will be on deck!
Now picture this: God holding us in His loving arms like the photo of this young mom holding her baby, and singing. God’s quiet love, tender hugs, and gentle whispers of acceptance and delight are the greatest love song our spiritual ears will ever hear. Maybe if we’ll find a quiet place to listen, we just may feel His embrace and hear Him singing His love song to us right now! Zephaniah 3:17 says: “The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you WITH SINGING.”
One of my favorite “baby/kid” songs was Skidamarink: It went like this: Skidamarink a-dink, a-dink, skidamarink-a-doo, I love you. (2x)
I love you in the morning and in the afternoon;
I love you in the evening, and underneath the moon.
Oh, skidamarink-a-dink, a-dink, skidamarink-a-doo, I love you.
I can picture our Heavenly Father singing over us “I love you in the morning and in the afternoon and in the evening. I LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME!”
When I think of how our Father rejoices over us with singing, another image comes to mind. I envision Him swinging us around in circles, all the while bellowing His song of extreme affection over us. He is not ashamed of the love He has for us and He wants the whole universe to know it. The next time you worship the Father in song, remember that as you sing of your love for Him, He, in turn, sings His song of love over you! Can you hear Him singing now?