The Man and the Legend
It is an honor, on this 9th day of June, to celebrate my “other” son. Yes, I have one son by birth and the “other” son was God’s gift to my daughter, Staci, their two children, Payton and Alexia, ME and so many others look up to him, his wisdom, and his tender and loving ways that make us all better.
Besides his own family, Larry is also the father/brother-figure to the women and men at Epiphany Ranch and to many others. He is caring and devoted to seeing them all become all that God has created them to be.
Larry is a perfect of example of living by a “WWJD” (What would Jesus do?) mentality and actuality.
His personal story of being raised by his single parent mom who did the best she could in raising this valiant man, but it took a village to lead and guide him — his grandparents, coaches, pastors, teachers and mentors.
As I type this blog, I am not only praising God for Larry, but for those who had a hand in this powerful man’s strength, wisdom, tenderheartedness, and integrity.
If someone were speaking about us, wouldn’t we want that kind of description? Wouldn’t we desire to be known as a promise-keeper, a person of character, honesty, resilient to the storms of life, and unquestionable in righteousness?
That’s what I desire and I’m sure you do too! With perhaps a tarnished past and even questionable in our decision-making and acts, wouldn’t today be a good day to make changes so that we can become the best versions of ourselves that we can be, too?
I like to think that way back when Larry’s dear mom made the sacrifices for her boy and instilled hard work ethics into him, God was already working out His perfect plan in Larry’s life.
That’s just the God we serve. Jeremiah 29:11 says: “Oh the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future”. Those words were already at work in him when he was a latch-key kid, becoming responsible and independent.
God was at work in him when his coach became a role model who pointed him to doing what was right. God was at work in him when he moved to Tulsa for work and met my daughter and received Christ into his life. God was at work in him when he became an incredible husband, dad to his children and devoted son to me.
Maybe we should start living “What Would Jesus Do?” in our own lives to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be, too!
Happy Birthday, Larry! You were and are God’s beautiful gift of blessing to all who know and love you. You were and are God’s beautiful gift of blessing to me! I love you so much and thank God for giving us — YOU!