The Right Side of the Bed Makes a Difference
Good Morning, Sunshine! That’s what I said to these beautiful skies on my walk yesterday! I wonder if that’s what we hear God say back to us when we roll out of bed each morning? Do we hit the ground running, with spring in our step and gladness in our heart? Are we a ray of sunshine to all who see us – no matter what time of day it is?
I’ve been this waking-up-and-smell-the-roses kind-of-gal for a long time now. I make it a point to be a ray of sunshine when I get up in the morning. I spoke this girl into existence. I was always an early-riser, but not with that sunny disposition. But, I became her. Most of the time, I start my day in a state of joy and gratitude. I love the idea of a new day with all the potential of God-moments and opportunities that await me. And, now that I’m on this 6 am walk-a-thon each morning, I’ve come to appreciate it even more so.
I’ve enjoyed watching Michael Bublé and his adorable Argentina wife, Luisana, on their Facebook Live videos during quarantine. I don’t look for them but they pop up automatically on my scrolls. Happy, positive, adoring each other – and even more so after their 4-year-old son, Noah, recovered from liver cancer and is now thriving. I said it a few days ago, but this applies to them as well “What didn’t kill them, made them stronger!” I didn’t realize it until a few days ago, that they met in 2009 on the set of his music video “I Never Met You Yet!” She was the girl – that he did meet and married. I especially appreciated when Michael emotionally praised Jesus for his boy’s cancer remission during an appearance on James Corden’s show.
I took a rabbit trail. I was getting to one of my favorite Michael Buble’s songs: “It’s a new dawn; It’s a new day; It’s a new life, for me, and I’m feeling good!” But, I’ve heard many people say: “I’m not a morning person so don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee!” When I hear someone talk like that, I think “Pleassse — don’t say that! With God’s help and your determination, you can be a morning, afternoon AND night person!”
If I got up in a MOOD, my Mama would say: “You got up on the wrong side of the bed. Go get back in, please, and get up on the right side!” My Mama didn’t take too well to grumpiness (and believe me, she had plenty to be grumpy about). She taught me to bring sunshine to our mornings. The fact is, if our family and friends have to deal with our grumpiness just because we got up, it could dampen their “sunshine” spirit. God loves “morning” people, so that’s reason enough to become a “morning” person. Listen to His Word here:
~ “Because of the LORD’s great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are NEW EVERY MORNING; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
~ “I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me.” – Proverbs 8:17.
God promises us His great love, unfailing compassion and mercies that are new every morning. So, whether we are a morning songbird getting up at 6, 8 or 10, or a night owl, the point is that every day is a brand new day with God so why not get up by looking UP? We say: “Good-bye yesterday to its worries and fears” and say “Good Morning, Sunshine! It’s gonna’ be a GREAT day!”